Help with Clean Calorie Weight Gain


New member
So, I'm 6'2, 210lbs, and between 8-10%bf. Currently on week 6 of a test. Enanthate cycle. I am struggling to gain some weight and no matter how much I lift, the weight stays the same. Can someone take a look at my diet and suggest some things to change/add (clean cals) to help me pack on weight?

It's worth noting that my two gainer shakes are taken as I'm headed into my daily morning and evening meetings with executives. I can't afford to eat during those meetings.

I added these cals up and it's about 3,600. To get to 220, what should I be taking in? I was thinking around 4,000, but I leave that to the more knowledgeable people.
Thanks in advance!

Meal 1 7:30am
45g whey protein shake 180
2cups of milk 220
1 rice cake w/natural PB 150

Meal 2 9:30am
Pro Complex Gainer Shake 650

Meal 3 12pm
4 oz. chicken breast' 90
Spinach 3
2tbsp Olive Oil 10
2 Whole Grain Bread Slices 100
1 Rice Cake w/PB 150
1 Chobania Greak Yogurt 140
1 scoop Whey Protein in Yogurt 100

Meal 4 2:30pm
4 oz. chicken breast' 90
Spinach 3
2tbsp Olive Oil 10
2 Whole Grain Bread Slices 100

Meal 5 4pm
Pro Complex Gainer Shake 650

Meal 6 (Pre Workout)
25g Whey Protein 100
1 Apple 80

Meal 7 (Post Workout)
45g Whey 180
1 20oz Gatorade 100

Meal 8 9pm
8oz Lean Ground Beef, wrapped in Tortilla with Olive Oil and Spinach 445

Meal 9 11pm
20g Casein Protein Shake 80
Heres what i ate yesterday to give you some insight, ( not on cycle )

wakeup - 6 eggs, 1 banana, 1/2 cup oats, 1 1/2 cup milk, ( Blended )

2-3 hours later - Piece of salmon, spinach salad, 1/2 cup brown rice

2-3 hours later - 2 chicken breasts, 1 avocado

2-3 hours later - 2 eggs, can of sardines, 1/2 cup red kidney beans, 2 carrots

2-3 hours later - 1 mango, 1 banana, 3 cups spinach ( blended with water )

before bed - 4 egg whites, 1 cup milk, 2 tbs Mac. nut Oil, 2 scoops cottage cheese (Blended)

This was to show you, you can break it down to a science if you want. But if you learn what foods do what and how your body reacts to them, you can tune your body like a guitar.

Peace !
With your stats it looks like 3600 is your maintenance level. I would add some egg whites and whole eggs to meal 1. Meal 6 slice up your apple and spread some peanut butter. Meal 9 add a cup or 2 of cottage cheese. This should give you a nice bump in calories. Good luck..
I went from 208 to 220 naturally at around 4400 calories. But, I gained a little more fat than I wanted to because of the high amount of carbs I was taking in (doing around 320 protein, 580 carbs, 100 fat, that was natural though, you could be taking in more protein than what I was). I would try 4000 calories per day and you should start gaining. Adjust from there. For your preworkout meal I would try to get the protein from an actual food source, and add carbs in too. IMO tracking macros is best-protein/carbs/fats
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