Help With Diet

  • Thread starter Thread starter THEDENTIST
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I am going to start a cylce in two weeks but want to make sure I do it right. I want to get diet together before I start.

My stats :

5' 10"
32 Years Old
Not sure on body fat %

Can someone suggest the correct amount of carbs and protein and also direct me to a diet?

When I get my diet together I will run 500ml QV Enathate for 12 weeks. This is first cycle.
Faye I want to make sure I eat enough so the cycle is not wasted. I want to get the most I can out of it.
Hey whats up..?

Ok i dont know ur goals but the diet that i did last year while on a nice cycle which worked great for me and i wasnt ready for such insane results was like this...

Try to eat 6-8 times a day small meals.

At the end of the day i tried to hit these numbers....

50-100 carbs, 300 pro, fat and calories i didnt care to count and just tried to keep them low...

Took all the vitamins and supplements needed, and on sunday ate everything i could....

Anyways i went from 215 15% bf to 193 6% bf in 4 months....

Worked for me as i was trying to get as cut as possible and if thats what ur goals r then give it a shot maybe changing a little bit to fit ur goals...

pics of me r in pic section.......
Dentist - What I'm asking is do you want to add some lean mass, or do you want to keep the muscle you have, and loose some fat?

It sound like you want to bulk, but keep it clean so that most of the mass you put on is muscle and not fat. Am I right to assume this?

My objective with my first cycle is to add as much muscle as possible while adding as little fat as possible without inhibiting gains.

I don't have a problem gaining a little fat...I expect to do that, however I want to eat clean. I plan on eating six times a day, eating at least 1.5g protein per pound of body weight, I plan on consuming mostly Low GI carbs throughout the day, consuming High GI carbs only in the morning and after workout (if at all). I plan on getting most of my fat from unsalted nuts. I will drink 1-2 gallons of water per day, I will take Milk Thistle. I have Nolvadex on hand already.

What I could use some help with is a diet that will help me plan out my six meals a day. I have a pretty good idea, but I am new to the whole eating healthy thing and could benefit from your knowledge if possible.

This diet yeild about 300 grams of protein. Fat and carbs will depend on your shakes and bread, but I recommend keeping your carbs to about 260 per day and fat fairly low (about 60 grams) since you'll be eating more carbs. This should give you about 2800-2900 calories a day. If you find that you are gaining less than a lb a week eat more, if your gaining more than 3 lbs per week, eat less.

Meal 1:7:30am
10 egg whites w/ 1 yolk scrambled w/ fat free cheese mixed in
1 cup oatmeal w/ 1 banana
2 slices tukey bacon

Meal 2: 10am
1 Shake = 40 g protein
2 slice rye bread or 3/4 cup oatmeal

Meal 3: 1pm
1.5 chicken breast
1 Yams (about 8 oz)
1 cup broccoli
1 ounce unsalted nuts

Meal 4: 3:30pm
Same as Meal 2

Meal 5: 6:30pm
Post Workout Shake
40 g protein

Meal 6: 7:30pm
1 chicken breasts
1 cup brown rice
1 cup lima beans
1 ounce unsalted nuts
maybe a little low sugar/non fat chocolate ice cream (got to have the sweets when bulking!)

Meal 7: 10pm
Shake = 40 g protein
1 slice rye bread
only thing i ouls change to the above diet is a whole food protein source at meal #7. this will allow for slower digestion of the proteins during sleep! other than that look all good~
Faye is it okay to add any seasonings to the meats?

Tabasco, Salt or pepper?