Help with my cycle.


New member
Hey guys, So ive been taking test cyp for about 8 weeks, and i just started clen. I was curious what people thought about after coming off clen jumpin on Winstrol (winny) 25mcg a day, for 4-6 weeks. this is my current cycle im on now. After I am done with my cyp im going to jump on to sust 270mg.

600 mg/week test cyp

day1: 20mcg
day2: 40mcg
day 3: 40 mcg
day 4: 60mcg
day 5: 60mcg
Day 6: 80mcg
Day 7: 80mcg
day 8: 80Mcg
day 9: 60 mcg
day 10:60 mcg
Day 11: 40mcg
day 12: 40 mcg
day 13: 20mcg
Terrible idea IMO. IF this is your first cycle, you should just be using one substance. After finishing the cyp you should move on to post cycle therapy (pct) and wait a few months before starting another cycle. You should also do a lot more research on winstrol, it can dry you and and harm your joints and not really cut you like the hype is all about.
Not my first cycle.

9% bf
6'0 ft
I'm doing a show in July and was just curious what people thought about throwing Winstrol (winny) while on my cycle