Help with my first Tren-E cycle


New member
What's up guys! I'm pretty new to AAS having done one cycle before while overseas with the Army. I have researched and researched and decided to join this forum and get some advice from others more experienced than me with the cycle. I feel I have put together a decent cycle but first, I'll say what my first cycle was...

12 Weeks
1) Sustanon 250- 1mL injections twice a week.
2) Anavar- 50mg QD (25mg morning and night)
3) Proviron- 75mg QD (25mg morning, afternoon, night)
4) PCT- Clomid 100mg two weeks, 50mg two weeks

I am 6'1''. With this cycle I was able to go from 195 and 17% BF, to 208 and 10% BF. I was very pleased with the results, however I was relocated to Afghanistan and had very little time in the gym so I lost quite a bit of my gains.

Since returning I have worked out with a buddy I was with and have went from 185 back to 215 at 16% BF. I use Greg Plitt workouts 5 times a week focusing on either one body part a day and sometimes two. I rotate abs and cardio after every workout session. I have been trying to regain the weight which I lost by having an intake around 3,500 calories a day and have easily gained it back, although my workouts are very intense. I was previously at a plateau of 195 before my first cycle, but I suppose once my body had broken through this with the first cycle, its been easy to break through it again.

Now on to the new cycle that I want opinions on. My main goal is to lose some BF. Any gains in size and strength are icing on the cake. Everything I ordered is GP except for the test which is QV.

10 Weeks
1) Tren-E 200- 1 mL twice a week for a total of 400mg/week
2) Test Cyp 250- 1mL twice a week for a total of 500mg/week
3) Winstrol oral- 50mg QD
4) Proviron- 50mg QD (25mg morning and night)
5) PCT will be the same as before

My diet is pretty clean but admittedly, I have a few cheat meals every now and then. I'll be taking fish oils and glucosemine/chondroitin to help combat joint pains I may get from the Winstrol. Any positive criticism/help would be appreciated!
A few things jump out at me:

1) Why only 10 weeks total for your cycle when using Test C? You spend a good 4-5 weeks waiting for it to ramp up, it seems a shame to cut it so short. If you're set on only 10 weeks, I'd think about a shorter ester like test propionate.

2) Since this is your second cycle, I'd think twice about tren or at the very least move to acetate. While some of us are lucky and don't get many of the dreaded sides, if you DO get them - you would want a faster clearing ester so you can get off of it much faster. Many recommend holding off on tren period until you have a good solid 4-5 cycles under your belt, but I figure as long as you know the risks, you can make that decision for yourself. Just remember, Lady Tren deserves a great deal of respect as she can really mess you up.

3) Why winstrol? I've only seen a handful of guys that really benefit from it and they are competitors. Are you looking to compete? Otherwise the stuff is a waste imo as it just dries you out (which is it's purpose) and makes joints ache in my experience.

4) You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). 50mg of proviron is NOT an aromatase inhibitor, it most certainly does other great things for you - but it's a rather weak estrogen blocking agent. Pick up some arimidex/aromasin/letrozole instead and read the sticky on Estrogen by JimiThing - you'll learn some very important information there, I promise.

5) You say your PCT will be the same as before; what was it? I'm a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) guy so I can only offer a limited input on post cycle therapy (pct), but if you can list what it is - I'm sure the other guys can chime in and critique away.

Welcome to 'ology!

My .02c :)
Thanks for the welcome! The main reason I am using Cyp and not a shorter ester is that I had two 10mL vials that I did not use on my first cycle. I'm being cheap I guess. lol.

As for why I'm using Winstrol, it's cheaper than Anavar (var) (which I couldn't seem to find anyone who had it in stock anyway), and I sorta want that lean dry look that it's supposed to give.

I thought about getting Amiridex but the only thing I used on my first cycle was the Proviron and had 0 estrogenic side effects so I thought it would be ok using only 1 test instead of a 4 test blend. I've also seen using Amiridex and Nolva could inhibit growth if you're overdosing, and since I'm new to this, I opted out of it. But if you think it would be a good idea to add, what sort of doses for Amiridex should I use? That would be my choice.

My PCT would be 100mg of clomid a day for 2 weeks, then 50mg a day for the next two weeks.
I'm glad you at least have a reason for choosing what you're going with. It's disheartening to see guys that just pick random things and start injecting them because it sounded like a good idea. You're definitely not this case. ;) Okay, here's my disclaimer on arimidex/AI's in general: Not everyone is the same, but as I try to give "one size fits most" type of advice, I think it is prudent to mention it even if you don't *need* it. Will it hurt your gains if you crush estrogen levels? Possibly. Will having elevated blood pressure or PSA levels for 12 weeks cause you problems down the road? Possibly as well. As you can see, there are two sides to this coin, so I would go with whatever you feel is best.

With that said, I usually recommend starting off with .25mg EOD and see from there. This is a lighter dose, but if you start to feel achy joints (going to be tough to discern if the Winstrol (winny) does this to you too) or are starting to feel constantly fatigued you may have to lower it even more. This is why I always recommend getting a blood test prior to, in mid-cycle, and after a cycle so you know what your hormone levels are and how your body is tolerating the AAS. Not needed, but takes a lot of guesswork out of the whole process.

That clomid dose seems a bit extreme, but I'm sure one of the other guys can chime in on that.
Huh, I hadn't seen anything about prolactin and tren before. I'm glad you brought this up because it made me research this. So from what I gather, tren will make you produce prolactin, which can give you gynecomastia, even if estrogen is blocked?
Prolactin gyno is pretty rare, especially at that dose. I would get some on hand at least though. Keep your estrogen under control you will be fine.
Huh, I hadn't seen anything about prolactin and tren before. I'm glad you brought this up because it made me research this. So from what I gather, tren will make you produce prolactin, which can give you gynecomastia, even if estrogen is blocked?
hitme is right about prolactin, especially with tren. Remember, prolactin levels not only can cause gyno - but can make your boners less than stellar. ;) Best part of prami/caber is that they can decrease your refractory period which means you can surprise the ladies in your life with a quick second helping of sex. :wiggle:
Lol. Yea I bet my girlfriend would like that. Thanks for the advice! I will send in a second order for caber just in case. I am always going to play it safe with this stuff as I'm 22 and don't want any long term effects that could've been easily avoided. I haven't hit a second plateau yet so it will be a little bit before I start my cycle anyway.
few things to add to what halfwit was saying.

1) you said that the test you had was QV, yet QV was shut down by the DEA in 2005. there have been many foreign labs passing themselves off as QV since then hoping to capitalize off the name, but sadly most of them are either fake or underdosed. tread carefully with anything QV.
2) as halfwit stated wouldn't recommend tren yet as its only your 2nd go round, but since your prolly gonna go ahead with it anyway i would seriously consider switching to tren ace. not only do the sides fade quicker but in my experience acetate gave me less sides anyway while giving better results then tren e and i've ran tren in 6 cycles now i'm pretty experienced with it.
3) winstrol is extremely harsh on the liver and cholesterol levels not just the joints. i can tell you as someone who swore by winstrol at your age that its not worth it.
4) no need for more than 2 compounds as your second cycle test/tren is plenty.
5) add nolva to your post cycle therapy (pct) at 40/40/20/20 and keep the clomid the way you ran it before