Help With my Very First Cycle!

"God himself could not stop them".....huh? God stops people every day and may well stop him as well. Are too small and new for steroids. Will do more damage than good. It's just a fact bro. We see this all the time. You will gain strength that is too much for that tiny frame, tiny tendons, tiny bones, tiny cartilage joints........damage that you will feel for many years could easily result. And that's if you manage to control the cycle.

All your answers are in the beginner sticky. That's what I follow....that's what everyone here follows.

You're too young. You will pay for this for a long time to come. Please wait
This is me when I started lifting 2 years ago.

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Idk guys. I already took my decision. I only want some advice about how to do it properly.

This is EXACTLY why you should wait; look at the gains you've made naturally!!! Imagine what you'll look like in 4 years. Sure; you will get larger on gear, i guarantee you if you wait until you're 25 to start gear by the time you're my age, 32, you will be bigger and more dense than if you start juicing now.
OP, you need to learn how to eat... Probably train for Mass. You can gain without AAS. I see NO reason to start yet. You have NO base core.

You are going to probably have some injuries because as you street go up your growth will not keep up.... Hence you need to get a base core.

This is not about waiting as it is needed build up all the tendons etc

You will get bigger it will satisfy you mental immediate gratification. However the only Quick way is to fill up with water. Tell everyone you stated roids and gained 20 plus pound of LMM, which is impossible.
Slow down.
Due this the right and safe way.
OP, you need to learn how to eat... Probably train for Mass. You can gain without AAS. I see NO reason to start yet. You have NO base core.

You are going to probably have some injuries because as you street go up your growth will not keep up.... Hence you need to get a base core.

This is not about waiting as it is needed build up all the tendons etc

You will get bigger it will satisfy you mental immediate gratification. However the only Quick way is to fill up with water. Tell everyone you stated roids and gained 20 plus pound of LMM, which is impossible.
Slow down.
Due this the right and safe way.

How can I enhance my diet since I eat about 3000 calories everyday. 40% carbs, 35% protein, 25% fats?
If still gaining naturally, and you should for a few more years, then why jump on the anabolics? I can't gain 44 lbs even with test. Sounds like you know how to gain......just keep up the good work. Revisit this later.
Just my opinion. Good luck bro
Why??? I'm not here to look at pics of guys, just here to give advice and help out newbies like you kiddo. Grow up before making adult choices...

Because you're criticizing my stats instead of giving some true advice. Same goes to the administrator who's saying that my pictures look photoshopped. Is it hard to do?
Sorry're too young for cycling advice on this site. Read the first cycle stickies.
You are a small guy who has put on a shit ton of mass. Keep doing what you're doing. Steroids could not have gotten you better results than you got naturally. 44 lbs in 2 years?!? You weighed just over 100 pounds bro. Eat big and work out big.....the gains will come. Revisit your plan in a few years. Enjoy your youth, it doesn't last long

You look much younger than 21.....or maybe I'm just old as fuck :)
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If they want to sure why not? If someone wants to use steroids, god himself could not stop them. Instead of fear mongering, we could give them the proper advice so they're not walking blind. Their minds are already made up. They're gonna do it with or without your help.

And Arnold is just an example. Many high school athletes use also. If you wanna reach the top, you do what others won't. Which includes gear at an early age to get ahead of the competition

I think God can stop us at any time that He chooses but He allowes us to make our own choices to learn what we came here to learn. and you cant speak for all newbies, maybe for yourself and your own pride and stubborness and it just shows you how you are a product of the new Pepsi generation, by the way Pepsi spelled backwards isdead. Think about it....

"The best way to kill a people is to take away their ability to reproduce." its also one of the reasons so many here are so adamant about recomending to newbies to start doing gear at the age of 26 when their bodies are ready and willing.

Having said that, hows your cycle with 600mg of tren per week going bro? any sides?
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I think God can stop us at any time that He chooses but He allowes us to make our own choices to learn what we came here to learn. and you cant speak for all newbies, maybe for yourself and your own pride and stubborness and it just shows you how you are a product of the new Pepsi generation, by the way Pepsi spelled backwards isdead. Think about it....

God doesn't exist...with that out the way...

I thought about it for a good 5 minutes but cant see what the hell you're talking about.
Pepsi is 5 letters, isdead is 6, neither spells the same backwards nor forward ?
God doesn't exist...with that out the way...

I thought about it for a good 5 minutes but cant see what the hell you're talking about.
Pepsi is 5 letters, isdead is 6, neither spells the same backwards nor forward ?

lol, and satan is another configuration of the word santa, and you threw in the 666 just to make the point. Read Huxley.

Moving right along...
Too young. late 20s at earliest. I peaked at my natural abilities between ages 29-32 then declined quickly after that and started cheating with testosterone just to barely keep up and even on Test I'm nothing compared to when I was 31 years old at the gym I was a beast.

Bienvenido! First off your too young still to get on gear as your not done growing.
and second thats is not a proper first cycle.
You need to read the beginners cycle thread in my signature to learn how to do a proper first cycle when and only when your old enough to do one.

Hi, guys. I***8217;ve gained around 20kg (44 lbs) naturally since I started two years ago in bodybuilding, but now I want to do a one-in-a-life-time 12 weeks AAS bulking cycle with dbol and test enanthate. With this cycle I want to gain and keep muscle as much as I can. I had a blood work the last week and everything is fine, including the luteinizing hormone (3,02 for a normal range of 1,7 ***8211; 8,6).

21 years
67kg (148lb)
1,66 cm (5Ft 4)
Bf: around 15%

Testoviron depot (Steroid 1/long):
- Weeks 1-4: 250mg EW
- Weeks 5-10: 250mg E4D
- Weeks 11-12: 250mg EW

Oral Dbol (Steroid 2/short):
- Weeks 1-2: 25mg ED
- Weeks 3-4: 50mg ED

Silymarin (liver protection):
- Weeks 1-2: 300mg ED
- Weeks 3-4: 450mg ED
- Week 5: 300mg
- Week 6: 150mg

Aromasin (AI):
- Weeks 1-2: 12,5mg EOD
- Weeks 3-4: 25mg EOD
- Weeks 5-12: 12,5mg EOD

Tamoxifen (PCT):
- Weeks 15-16: 20mg ED
- Weeks 17-18: 10mg ED

I will also attach chart that is easier to read and a picture of my current progress:

View attachment 567252

View attachment 567251

So guys, given all the information above, I would really appreciate if you enlighten me with your wisdom :P

1. Test-e dosage is too low at the beginning and the end? I wanna start slow and see how my body reacts to the compunds. Isn***8217;t it too much to go test-e 500mg E4D and at the same time taking Dbol 50mg ED?
2. I***8217;m aware that if I go test-e 250mg EW in one single shot I***8217;ll have blood plasma peaks. So, what***8217;s more important: stable blood plasma levels or to see how my body reacts to the compounds?
3. Is the Aromasin dosage ok for this cycle?
4. Is the PCT correct?

I would really appreciate other comments or opinions about this cycle. Thanks!
Hopefully OP is not responding because he is eating too much to respond. This man needs to eat a ton and keep lifting. 44 lbs in 2 years. Lol. He is either full of shit or he really knows what he's doing. The comment a out "how can I improve my diet when I'm already eating 3000 cals" leads me to believe he is just full of shit. If you are still around and checking this thread then here is your answer......IF 3K CALS IS NOT ENOUGH THEN EAT 6000. Add 500 per day every 2 weeks until you start growing again. Lift heavy as hell. But again.......if what you say is true then you should already know this. No man adds 44 lbs of lean mass in 2 years unless they have a good handle on what they are doing.

Either way....stay away from steroids. You obviously don't need them