Help with recovery please


New member
It's been about 2 years and I still can't get back to normal. I've read that oral's can affect your HPTA and neurotransmitters. How do I get rid of the bad metabolites?? I've had tenderness in my right nipple (only a very small bump) and gets worse when I drink.
I've been trying everything to recover, anitoxidants, milk thistle, ginko bilboa, cardio, l-tyrosine, gaba, DHT and too sweat alot. I'm donating blood every 3 months. Still can't get a full erection and wake up with one. I need help but my numbers look good and my doctors are terrible.

Here's my background- Took a prohormone early 2013 for 3 months and after it I experienced acne, loss of muscle, achy joints, muscle fatigue, weak erection, decreased test and gyno. I ran clomid for a month and had a bit of letrozole as well. Used ZMA and erase pro for PCT

Went to the doctors and she ran some tests.

7/07/14 was labs

kidneys were tested and were out of reference range
Urine protein was fine
Blood Pressure ranges from 120/80- 160/80 (usually high)

Test levels were dramatically low 121 Total
Kidney test was improved she told me its back to normal

Late September, Test was still low but free test was in range so my doctor still didn't want me to go on anything to increase it.


LH- 3.3

DHT 34 (reference range 16-79ng/dl)

Estrogen, Total 112.9 (reference range ADULT- 40.0-115.0pg/mL)

PROLACTIN 7.9 (reference range MALES 2.0-18.0 ng/mL)

FSH 6.1 (reference 1.6-8.0)

LH 6.5 (reference 1.5-9.3)

Hemoglobin 17.2 (14.0-18.0)g/dl

Hematocrit 50.1 (42-52) %

LDL 104 (desirable less than 100mg, near optimal/above optimal 110-129mg/dL)

HDL 46 (desirable greater than 40)

Triglyceride 57 (desirable less than 150mg/dL)

Cholesterol 161 (desirable less than 200mg/dL)

PSA 0.21 (<0.05-4.00)

Test total- 627
test free- 114.1

comp chem 2/14/15

GLU- 86 ref range 70-100

BUN- 22 ref range 5-25

CREAT- 1.18 ref range 0.7-1.3

GFR EST.- 60 ref range 60 or more

BUN/CREAT- 18.6 ref range 6.0-20.0

NA- 142 ref range 133-145

K- 4.4 ref range 3.5-5.5

CL- 105 ref range 96-110

C02- 32 ref range 21-32

ANION GAP- 5 ref range 3-11

CA - 9.3 ref range 8.5-10.5

T.PROT- 6.3 ref range 6.0-8.0

ALBUMIN- 4.0 ref range 3.2-5.0

GLOBULIN- 2.3 no ref range but still good

ALB/GLOB- 1.7 ref range >1.0

T. BILI (HIGH)- 1.6 ref range 0.0-1.4

AST (SGOT) HIGH-45 ref range 10-42

ALT (SGPT) - 53 ref range 10-60

ALK PHOS-98 ref range 42-121


ICTERUS- 1 no ref


FERRITIN- 103 ref range 30-530

TSH- 2.59 ref range 0.40-4.00

ESTRADIOL- 38.7 (HIGH??) ref range 0-39.8

TEST- 531 ref range 241-827

ALSO here are some other suspect numbers

WBC (white blood cells) 3.9 ref 4.8-10.8

MPV 11.9 ref range 7-11 (although my PLT count is normal..)

EOS-8 ref range 0-5%


TSH- 2.310
Ref- 0.450-4.500

T4 (Thyroxine)- 6.9
Ref- 4.5-12.0
T3 Uptake- 32

Free Thyroxine- 2.2

LH- 6.3
Ref- 1.7-8.6

FSH- 5.4
Ref- 1.5-12.4

Test Total- 571
Ref- 348-1197

Cortisol- 11.9

Prolactin- 8.7

Any Help?? I have pramipexole, cabergoline and liquidex but haven't taken any of it yet and dont know if I should. Good news is BP is fine, no aches at all but it does take me a long time to recover after a workout.
All your current numbers look healthy. TT is fine. TSH is fine. Prolactin is fine. Blood work is not showing any health issues.

You don't need Prami or Caber or Arimidex. All your levels are normal.

Whatever is causing your issues does not appear to be a Hormone issue.