Help with Second Cycle - Test/Tren


New member
Hey I am 25 years old and my first cycle was done when I was 19. I am 6'4 195 lbs and 9ish" bodyfat. I am not starting this cycle until the end of January or until I am around 210 lbs. I normally am around 185lbs and 7% bodyfat but I started bulking mid November and the weight is starting to come on quickly.

My first cycle was test/tren (I know, terrible cycle for a first timer), but I jumped from 160lbs to 195lbs and had little side effects from it, so I want to give it a go again. Hopefully this time I can get up to around 230lbs or so and less that 10% bf.

My first cycle was not well thought out as I took advice from a local who was a begginer himself, and I want this cycle to be better thought-out.

Proposed cycle:

Tren Ace Week 3-12 100 mg EOD
Test E Week 1-12 250mg twice a week
HCG: 250 mg twice a week until pct
Caber .25mg twice a week

Clomid 100/100/75/50 starting the day after the last pin

I can't remember the dosages from my first cycle, but I know they were high. lol I've put a couple hours of research into this so far, but there are so many different opinions and cycles that it is hard to decide what to do.

Honestly any help is greatly appreciated. I rushed into my first cycle but I am going to take my time to do this one properly.
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I would consider yourself starting over again and running a First Cycle. I would recommend just Test. Drop the Tren. Bump up the test to 500mg. Add in an AI. Drop the caber. Add in Nolva to your PCT. Wait 2-3 weeks after your last Test injection to start PCT.

Read the FAQs thread linked below in my signature.

P.S. Gaining 35 lbs in 12 weeks is not realistic.
Hey thanks for the great info. I will probably do the test run and then include tren in the next cycle.

Having said that, for the tren cycle, does that appear to be okay?

35lbs is a large number, but I'm not starting the cycle until I'm around 210, so I want to throw on about 20lbs. I'm assuming by the time I get to 210 I will be sitting around 14% bf but I won't know until I get there.

I did gain 35lbs on my first cycle of tren though lol and it prety much all stayed. I got up to 213lbs but ended up getting mono and I ended up losing 40lbs. Since then I have always wanted to stay cut. I'm looking to do a physique comp next year so I would like to throw on 20-30lbs of muscle over the next year. 185 at 6' 4" is pretty thin to compete.