Help with Test Ciponate and the gym


New member
I was shot in the stomach at my old job back in 2011. I just turned 40 and am currently 5'7 178 pounds. I lost all of my muscle mass had four abdominal surgeries and I have developed a gut, gained a lot of weight. My doctor recently performed a natty test and I had low natty levels. He started me on Test Ciponate to get my levels back up to normal. I started out on 1 1/5 ml once per week and now he's upped that to 1 1/5 twice a week. I've never had to use any kind of supplements to get big I played baseball from the age of 5 through my first year of college. I've always been a short muscular guy. But after being laid up for 4 years I lost all my muscle mass and developed a gut. I'm at 18.8% fat mass and my assessment at the gym said I was just low of moderately obese. I was wondering if someone here could help me with information on what else I need to do to get bigger quicker. I was 18.7 ml/Kg/min on my aerobic power test. My chest press is RM=129.6 lbs which showed up as good. My lat machine test was 1RM=129.6 which showed up as good. My horizontal leg press was 1RM=489.8 which showed as superb. Now back to my original question, what do I need to do with my Ciponate? Do I need to ask for something different or something more? Is the low dose just the start of a first cycle? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I literally just started back to the gym this week. I've forgotten everything that I used to know/do when I did go to the gym and had to ask for a workout program to get me back on track. I know the doctor said I need to get range of motion back in my gut and lose the excess weight. But I'm not sure if he's using the Ciponate to just get my natty levels up or to help burn the fat and make me big again. And trying to talk to him is like trying to move water with my mind. I have 4 refills on the bottle. Thanks for any help you guys could share with me.
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Don't get in a hurry first off. You didn't get out of shape in a few months so don't try and get in shape in a few months. No amount of "roids" are going to get you where you need to be. Diet, training, gear in that order.

Test will help you lose fat and gain muscle, just take your time and the gains will come.
I'm reading this as 1.2mL twice a week... what is the concentration? It should say something like 200mg/mL. Sounds like potentially a lot - 200mg/mL is the common concentration for pharmacy test cypionate which would come out to 480mg per week - that's way above a therapeutic dose and for a legitimate MD to prescribe that amount would be unusual to say the least.

It also sounds like your doctor doesn't really know what he is doing... injecting exogenous testosterone will certainly not increase your natural production - quite the opposite.

Conversion to estrogen at your bodyfat and at that dosage should be a big concern... are you taking anything else (like Anastrozole)?
I'm a little confused about what you are asking. You mention cycle, are you planning on doing this for a short time and then coming off? I think it was you in another thread that mentioned the Cyp was dosed at 100mg/mL (a odd concentration for cyp). If so then you are taking 240mg/week which is a pretty heavy dose for TRT.

Either way you need to make sure your estrogen is in check. It would be very strange for someone with your BF to not need an AI on that dose...really anyone at that dose should be taking some AI I would think.