Damn, guess I'll just have to stay on top of my blood donations! Thanks everyone!!
some guys are more prone then other guys in regards to hematocrit , rbc, and testosterones effect on them (all AAS for that matter). some guys stay in normal ranges for years , and some guys get elevated levels quickly and its a struggle.
can't remember where I read this or the details , but I recall that guys from anglo saxon and upper european decent are more prone to hematocrit/rbc issues.
not sure if thats you or not.
But , one thing you may have to do , on top of donating regularly (if you run gear year round or TRT) , is go off completely for 4+ months and detox. of course no one wants to do that, and it sucks, But at some point if donating blood , double units of plasma, etc is not working, and your levels stay high , your blood pressure is still staying elevated, your resting heart rate is remaining high , etc.. you've got to just bite the bullet and do a full detox off of ALL aas, including test and TRT . you can't keep injecting something that is contributing continually to the problem.
Detox off of all gear definitely works. your body gets to a point that these negative health factors wear on you and nothing you do works. awhile back i was having same issues with blood pressure , high hematocrit, etc. and overall not feeling great . i stopped TRT and all gear for 6 months . Everything was corrected. my blood pressure went from way high down to 110/65,, resting pulse from 92 to 75 . even got comments that my skin and complexion looked better (i had a flushed appearance all the time with the elevated rbc and blood pressure)
my sex life sucked at that time , and i dealt with a lot of the low/no testosterone side effects and some brain fog . BUT, my cardiac and related health parameters improved . THEN when the 6 months was over and I went back on gear , i blew up. the gear kicked in big time and felt like i was making newbie gains again. i guess the androgen 'receptors' were fresh and ready to go.
its worth a try if nothing else your doing is working. and don't be afraid of loosing all your gains, muscle memory is a wonderful thing . when you jump back on gear it comes back plus some