Here comes 30 and my first cycle.

Hello. I've been fascinated by steroids since Barry hit 72 and have read about them for years. I'm approaching my 30th birthday and I finally decided now is my time to find out what they're all about for myself. Please spare me the lectures from the old guard that I'm not doing it right. I have done the research, I know the risks, I've taken my notes, and I'm ready to do this.

I'm 6'4.5" and 245 lbs, about 20% bf. I'm coming off a rough past 18 months filled with injury, illness, and plain bad luck. Don't worry, I have plenty of discipline.

Pre-cycle: I was at a doctor's appointment 2 weeks ago and had my hormone levels checked before I took anything. Everything was in normal range.

Cycle: To begin my cycle I am starting with 30 mg test p, 50 mg tren a, and 50 mg mast p ED. In a week or two I will rise to 75mg tren and mast but I will keep my test at 30mg because my research has led me to feel that low test/high tren is the best route for me. It is possible further down the road I may move to 100mg tren and mast but that will depend on how things are moving. Due to my chubbiness I am beginning with 0.25mg of anastrozole EOD. For the first few weeks, or until I feel the tren kick in, I will be taking 60mg of anavar ED, 20mg every 8 hours, and will be finishing off my remaining anavar at the end of my cycle. Every other 2 weeks I will be using 40-80mcg of clen but I'll probably only do 1 or 2 runs of them. I will be utilizing an intermittent fasting diet where I eat around the time I lift, before and after. This works best for me given my busy work schedule in the summer and will help me trim down. I will not be able to add 500mcg (250 x 2/week) until my 3rd week because it was simply out of stock. FWIW I am going to try using Brutal Alchemy's Ancient Strength creatine pre-workout, I have read good things about it.

PCT: HCG during my cycle. Needtobuildmuscle's HCGenerate the second half of my cycle and during PCT. Nolvadex 50mg for 2 weeks and 25mg for 2 weeks (I know it is usually 40/20 but I only have 25mg pills). Clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg day 2-10, and 50mg day 11-21.

Goals: body recomposition; lean up and v-out for my best friend's wedding this fall in which I am the best man. I want a cobra back.

I really wish I had a mentor locally but I don't, so I'm looking forward to any critiques, criticisms, advice, and encouragement the members of this community can give me. I appreciate the fact this resource is available for me to use, thank you moderators and hosts.
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Just finished my first pin, 30mg test and 50mg tren/mast, into my delt using a 23g, 1" needle. I was worried it might be visible if I went sleeveless but you'd have to be a private investigator looking for it to notice. I mixed all three in the same syringe. I'm so used to injections and blood draws my whole life that I don't even feel needles anymore. My heart was beating like a 16 year old driving for the first time alone when they got their license but I was not nervous. I had minor trouble aspirating, specifically holding the syringe while drawing the plunger simultaneously, but I was able to perform. I took 0.25mg of anastrozole along with it as a prophylactic to prevent any aromatization because of the fact I am a little chubby. I was kind of hoping I got tren cough lol but I have a highly reviewed source and am not worried (anavar hardened me up in 3 days). My delt is a little sore but it is nothing, reassuring kind of.

Thank you for your help.
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Face palm, Doh, this is stupid man, why so many compounds on a first cycle? Seriously you don't want a lecture and you done your research? Show me where running a first cycle like this was recommended? High body fat=better chance of gyno. I'll let someone else rip into you but this is horrible
Face palm, Doh, this is stupid man, why so many compounds on a first cycle? Seriously you don't want a lecture and you done your research? Show me where running a first cycle like this was recommended? High body fat=better chance of gyno. I'll let someone else rip into you but this is horrible

Why so many? I'm an idiot and it is just who I am. I never tread lightly, I've always dove headfirst into things my entire life. I respect your opinion, it probably would be better to just start with test alone first but then again I may not have a single problem at all. I have read many cycle logs of people who tried multiple compounds from the beginning and people with higher body fat and have not had any problems. While this is anecdotal evidence, basically everything is in this realm. If any problems do arise I am prepared to stop my cycle, admit buffoonery, and eat crow. Through research I have learned that masteron and trenbolone do not aromatise and that low test with higher tren is better to prevent side effects, which is why I won't be running more than a TRT dose of test the entire cycle. I have also learned that ED injections pose a lower risk due to a more steady level of substance in the bloodstream which is why I won't be injecting EOD, even if it is more convenient. I have AI on hand and have taken it from the start as a precautionary measure.

Thank you for your reply Jacked, it is nice knowing you care enough to comment instead of passing me over and rolling your eyes.
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Yeah you have balls my friend Jacked is absolutely right in everything he said you are taking soany different things and types of gear I hope it wont be too late for you to stop before doing some sort of irreversible damage to yourself you may want to re think what your doing if you do you may get some good advice here otherwise dont look for too many to want to help someone on a path of destruction cheers
Alright if everyone thinks I am a complete dumb ass then I should just give it up and not do it. I'm not going to try to force myself into a club that no one thinks I should be in. Please delete my post, I am sorry I have let people down. I appreciate your replies and respect them, without you guys I have no one to look to and if I don't listen then there would be no point in me being here.
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Dude you need to approach this with the right mindset ask some questions talk to some people maybe make some friends and most of actually learn something from some experienced good dudes that can actually help you before you cause your self harm before you think you possess the knowledge why not put it to the test on here to see what you really know cheers then maybe put a cycle together .
Alright if everyone thinks I am a complete dumb ass then I should just give it up and not do it. I'm not going to try to force myself into a club that no one thinks I should be in. Please delete my post, I am sorry I have let people down. I appreciate your replies and respect them, without you guys I have no one to look to and if I don't listen then there would be no point in me being here.

This is a dumbass approach. Learn how to cycle properly. There are shallow rocks in the water you are about dive into. Sounds like waiting until you are more mature mentally would be a good idea too.
I'm not being sarcastic Yoda. Like I said if I came here for advice and don't take it then there would be no point in asking. I had an awful winter and then was asked to be best man at a wedding and got anxious, not wanting to look like shit. I guess I stepped over the line, thank you reigning me in. Sorry, I don't want to make the community look bad.

This is a dumbass approach. Learn how to cycle properly. There are shallow rocks in the water you are about dive into. Sounds like waiting until you are more mature mentally would be a good idea too.

Sorry I stepped out of bounds, thank you for stopping me from going further. When you say learn properly, do you mean through experimentation? I have read many things but I know there are always more, better ways to learn. What path do you feel I should take? Is there a post limit before I can private message other users?
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I'm not being sarcastic Yoda. Like I said if I came here for advice and don't take it then there would be no point in asking. I had an awful winter and then was asked to be best man at a wedding and got anxious, not wanting to look like shit. I guess I stepped over the line, thank you reigning me in. Sorry, I don't want to make the community look bad.

Sorry I stepped out of bounds, thank you for stopping me from going further. When you say learn properly, do you mean through experimentation? I have read many things but I know there are always more, better ways to learn. What path do you feel I should take? Is there a post limit before I can private message other users?

I would recommend learning vicariously from others. Many have gone before you and have learned what works for cycling and what doesn't work. You have come to the right place to learn. I would start by reading the steroid profiles and the sticky threads.

You need 50 posts to send PM's but don't start spamming the forumsnto get there.
Just delete my post Megatron, I'll go back to lurking like I have for the past year (notice my join date). I thought I had read all the profiles, knowing I am at a higher risk of aromitization from being chubby from a hard winter. I wanted to speed up the process now that I'm healthy and back on the horse. I planned on low test and I picked compounds that don't aromatize (tren and mast) and specifically mast because it is believed to be an anti-estrogenic as to prevent any gyno. I bought everything necessary, except my HCG, beforehand so I wouldn't have to scramble ever.

Did I jump into the deep end? Yes. But I didn't go to college for chemistry because I'm an idiot. I am puzzled you could read my cycle layout and think I'm a retard.
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Why don't you lay out your cycle before you plan on doing it so maybe you can learn before you do gear see what people say see where you might have went wrong and correct it till your sure its always good to have a second opinion especially some of these chaps here. I am not trying to sound offensive I am just trying to help you go in rhe right direction first cheers
Hello. I've been fascinated by steroids since Barry hit 72 and have read about them for years. I'm approaching my 30th birthday and I finally decided now is my time to find out what they're all about for myself. Please spare me the lectures from the old guard that I'm not doing it right. I have done the research, I know the risks, I've taken my notes, and I'm ready to do this.

I'm 6'4.5" and 245 lbs, about 20% bf. I'm coming off a rough past 18 months filled with injury, illness, and plain bad luck. Don't worry, I have plenty of discipline.

Pre-cycle: I was at a doctor's appointment 2 weeks ago and had my hormone levels checked before I took anything. Everything was in normal range.

Cycle: To begin my cycle I am starting with 30 mg test p, 50 mg tren a, and 50 mg mast p ED. In a week or two I will rise to 75mg tren and mast but I will keep my test at 30mg because my research has led me to feel that low test/high tren is the best route for me. It is possible further down the road I may move to 100mg tren and mast but that will depend on how things are moving. Due to my chubbiness I am beginning with 0.25mg of anastrozole EOD. For the first few weeks, or until I feel the tren kick in, I will be taking 60mg of anavar ED, 20mg every 8 hours, and will be finishing off my remaining anavar at the end of my cycle. Every other 2 weeks I will be using 40-80mcg of clen but I'll probably only do 1 or 2 runs of them. I will be utilizing an intermittent fasting diet where I eat around the time I lift, before and after. This works best for me given my busy work schedule in the summer and will help me trim down. I will not be able to add 500mcg (250 x 2/week) until my 3rd week because it was simply out of stock. FWIW I am going to try using Brutal Alchemy's Ancient Strength creatine pre-workout, I have read good things about it.

PCT: HCG during my cycle. Needtobuildmuscle's HCGenerate the second half of my cycle and during PCT. Nolvadex 50mg for 2 weeks and 25mg for 2 weeks (I know it is usually 40/20 but I only have 25mg pills). Clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg day 2-10, and 50mg day 11-21.

Goals: body recomposition; lean up and v-out for my best friend's wedding this fall in which I am the best man. I want a cobra back.

I really wish I had a mentor locally but I don't, so I'm looking forward to any critiques, criticisms, advice, and encouragement the members of this community can give me. I appreciate the fact this resource is available for me to use, thank you moderators and hosts.

Why would you want to delete this post? Come back and look at it in three months after doing lots of homework. You will have a good laugh. :)
Why would you want to delete this post? Come back and look at it in three months after doing lots of homework. You will have a good laugh. :)

I probably won't laugh. I did my homework, the math is correct. My dosages are proper. I have the proper PCT and AI on hand. I had my hormone panel done at my primary care physicians, not some internet site, beforehand (I imagine most people don't do this their first cycle). I own a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope from years ago that I can use to check my blood pressure. I'll even tell my primary care physician I am cycling because we have a strong, trusting relationship. I see guys on here afraid to tell their wife.

Aside from you thinking I'm fat and using too many compounds, I'm not sure what you think is so wrong about the layout of my cycle.

Personally I think people are more at risk of side effects starting off with 500+mg of test their first cycle than baby doses of test/tren/mast.

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. - Isaac Newton
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I probably won't laugh. I did my homework, the math is correct. My dosages are proper. I have the proper PCT and AI on hand. I had my hormone panel done at my primary care physicians, not some internet site, beforehand (I imagine most people don't do this their first cycle). I own a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope from years ago that I can use to check my blood pressure. I'll even tell my primary care physician I am cycling because we have a strong, trusting relationship. I see guys on here afraid to tell their wife.

Aside from you thinking I'm fat and using too many compounds, I'm not sure what you think is so wrong about the layout of my cycle.

Personally I think people are more at risk of side effects starting off with 500+mg of test their first cycle than baby doses of test/tren/mast.

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. - Isaac Newton

You have thrown spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks. If you want to stand on the shoulders of giants, run a test-only cycle your first time. Learn how your body responds to it. Get your AI dose dialed in. Learn how to run PCT. Then when you run your next cycle, increase the test dose or add a new compound. When some goes awry you can isolote it to that one change.

Surely if you studied chemistry you can understand the benefits of limiting the variables and only changing one variable at a time. There will be issues that come up during your cycle. You have to know how to respond to them. You have a lot of years ahead of you to run cycles. You dot have to run the granddaddy of cycles right off the bat.

Start out at 500-750mg/week of test. Use and AI and HCG. Get blood work during the cycle OE whenever complications arise so you can make adjustments. Donate blood along the way. Then transition into PCT.

P.S. your higher body fat % will give you estradiol problems. Managing aromatization will be the hardest part for you. You need to keep your E2 in the sweet spot.