Here comes my cowboys!

I dunno about that, but I'm a Big D fan and I like the additions we've made this year. If our O-line comes together with Al Johnson back at center and Jacob Rogers as our new RT, I think our O will be great.
Our D will be great again, my only concern is Hunter at CB, but from what Parcells thinks, he's the man, so who argues with the tuna.
jcp2 said:
Stop it, your from canada, your not allowed to watch football. :p

hehehe....I LOVE FOOTBALL!! :D
And I can do anything that I want so :flipoff:
lol..just kidding :D
I tried getting into american football at one point.
There was a huge thing on tv about the superbowl a few years back and it looked very colourful so i thought i'd stay up to watch it

the guy was explaining the rules and what not but it made no sense to me. No offense but american sports have far too many rules that stop and start play alot lol
I fell asleep

Later that year i decided to rent out the game Madden NFL since it got rave reviews. I had no idea what was going on and exchanged it for ISS Soccer lol

Funny thing is, at university I decided to try something new so I went to the Ameican football club to play. I ended up at their tryout session and i got a position cos i was fast lol haha i coulda been a football player for my university but i decideed to say no thank you after I dedicated lal my spare time to Kickboxing and got into the kickboxing team instead ;)
Give it more time bro. When you figure out the game, the bone-crushing hits and the speed of these pros will blow you away.
buffdiggity said:
Give it more time bro. When you figure out the game, the bone-crushing hits and the speed of these pros will blow you away.

This man knows what he's talking about. The pros are definitely amazing. I live for sundays during the NFL season.
tee said:
Here comes my cowboys!
