Here it goes...


New member
Hey guys,

Been reading alot about first cycle and all. I know what to do (or at least i think i do lol). Just need to be reassure that im on the right path. Better be educated then medicated right?

So heres my stats and story. Im 36 years old and been lifting for several years took some breaks but been at it seriously for more the 3 years. Im just finishing a cut, came down from high 20's to 15% bf ( thanks 3J, Btw great guy to deal with and awesome service.) Ok so i wanna do a test e cycle for my rookie debut, but dont wanna put on lot of water retention. In fact i would like to continue my cut, if that is possible.

My cycle would be.
1-14 week Test E 250ml 2xweek

I was wondering should i be talking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if i want to keep water rentention to a minimum. If so wich one would you recommend for a first time user.

Thanks for your patience with us rookies I know we can be a handful sometimes :o

good post

arimidex or aromasin , you can do search there are tons of threads comparing the two

many prefer adex - works better and may even be slightly anabolic

youve gotten your body fat down, which is great. you may hold some water or bloat with test e, but having diet in check and low bf is gonna help
Thanks. I'll look into thoses for sure. Just scared of losing all that hard work. Dont wanna go into a calories surplus on cycle but if i stay in deficit, scared i wont get any results. I think it's just nobbs worries but still I'm sure you can relate cuz you guys was all there at one point in time. This is what is great about this forum.

yeah you can worry alot about the details but once your on listen to your body and make adjustments

as far as calories go i know you were consulting with 3J maybe you can ask him about calorie intake while on test

id imagine you could up it somewhat from your baseline calorie intake while on test,depending on your goals

Thanks. I'll look into thoses for sure. Just scared of losing all that hard work. Dont wanna go into a calories surplus on cycle but if i stay in deficit, scared i wont get any results. I think it's just nobbs worries but still I'm sure you can relate cuz you guys was all there at one point in time. This is what is great about this forum.

Hey guys just about to pull the trigger on this and go on with the purchase. Was just wondering, if liquid clomid from RUI would be as effective for my post cycle therapy (pct) then the 40/40/20/20 novaldex I had mention in my opening post.

A lot of guys here seem to prefer clomid over nolva for getting things back to normal after a cycle. given the cost (and the fact that this is the only body you'll ever have) it's not a bad idea to use both during post cycle therapy (pct) or at least have the nolva on hand if gyno symptoms appear.
Stay away from liquid, your not going to need it for a test only cylce. Adex is fine. I run nolva/clomid for pct.
Good thing about test is that will aid you in whatever diet method you chose. Keep your diet in check, you hardly hold any water. You have to remember, it only multiplies the results you want to acheive. You want to bulk with test/diet, its going to help. You want to stay lean with test/diet, its going to help. Either way your going to build quality muscle and acheive great results in a short amount of time.