Here shrinking comes - cycle


New member
First of all, i just wanted to thank you all for this forum, as this is my first cycle and i learned lots of things through this forum.

Into sports since my childhood, played handball on young national team levels. After university, i started fitness and one on one off im training for years. Currently im training for 3 years and not stopped training this time.

Age: 25, Currently i'm around %14-16 bf.
Weight: 85kg
Height: 1.80m

I'm currently on this cycle:

1-15 weeks 500 mg testosterone enanthate
1-10 weeks 400 mg deca durabolin
50mg proviron
1-8 weeks 50 mg dianabol tablet ---* week3, i changed to t-bol.
10-15 weeks 500 mg boldenon
after 15 weeks. PCT
My PCT is: nolvadex and klomen for 4 weeks and 2tabs nolvadex 2 tabs klomen everyday.

Currently on third week. My diet is clean, i'm drinking lots of water(really lots since my childhood:)) but still dianabol gave me lots of moon face, hair loss and on my job face is a little bit important. used AI eod to get away from moon. but cant. So as week 3, yesterday i dropped dianabol and started turinabol.

Normally i see no nut shrinkage till this time, but today one i woke up, they are nearly said me goodbye sir :)

Normally i use 50mg proviron till this time, but it's been six days and im not using it because it's finished and i still trying to find new one. Is this shrinkage is suddenly occured because i couldnt used proviron for these six days? I know it will happen but i think i fastened it.

I bought HCG(pregnyl) today. Thinking to inject 500iu/week for these 4 weeks and then stop 2 weeks and then do 4 weeks again. This will make my nuts say hello santa again in 2-3 days after shot?

Sorry about my newbie questions, thank you for all answers and happy new year!
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First of all, i just wanted to thank you all for this forum, as this is my first cycle and i learned lots of things through this forum.

I'm currently on this cycle:

1-15 weeks 500 mg testosterone enanthate
1-10 weeks 400 mg deca durabolin
1-8 weeks 50 mg dianabol tablet
10-15 weeks 500 mg boldenon

Currently on third week. My diet is clean, i'm drinking lots of water(really lots since my childhood:)) but still dianabol gave me lots of moon face and on my job face is a little bit important. So as week 3, yesterday i dropped dianabol and started turinabol.

Normally i see no nut shrinkage till this time, but today one i woke up, they are nearly said me goodbye sir :)

Normally i use 50mg proviron till this time, but it's been six days and im not using it because it's finished and i still trying to find new one. Is this shrinkage is suddenly occured because i couldnt used proviron for these six days? I know it will happen but i think i fastened it.

I bought HCG(pregnyl) today. Thinking to inject 500iu/week for these 4 weeks and then stop 2 weeks and then do 4 weeks again. This will make my nuts say hello santa again in 2-3 days after shot?

Sorry about my newbie questions, thank you for all answers and happy new year!

I'm sure they will request your current stats (age,cycle history, years training, ht/wt bf%) and from what i understand, HCG should run throughout the entire cycle until you start PCT (you do not note PCT, but I am praying you have plans for some). And the last common question will be, what does your blood work show... Good luck buddy.
Thank you for your answer DeeXII i edited my post :) Definitely, i have plans for PCT, i know it is the most imporant part :)
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You probably have moon face and bloat because you are not using an aromatase inhibitor. You need to run arimidex or Aromasin while using compounds that can aromatize. Your estradiol is probably very high. Do you have blood work while on cycle that you can post? If not please get blood work run tomorrow.

You bal have shrunk because you did not use hCG while on your cycle. You should have been running 250iu twice weekly since Day 1 up until you start PCT. If I were you, I would start running it now at 500iu twice weekly up until you start PCT. But please note that this may increase estradiol even more so you will have to continue monitoring/managing estradiol vigorously.

You should read the Sticky Threads. It sounds like there are some gaps in your cycling knowledge.

Can you please poat what your PCT protocol is going to be?

One more thing: you need to run deca longer than 10 weeks to truly get the benefits out of it given its long ester. 14-16 weeks would be better.
MegaTron, thank you for your answer. Sorry i forgot to write, i have arimidex as AI. I used it eod or e3d when my face bloated a lot, but still i didnt get away from a bloat face :) I had no signs of gyno or sensitive nipples, only the bloated face and hairloss. I think turinabol will serve me better right now.

My PCT is: nolvadex and klomen for 4 weeks and 2tabs nolvadex 2 tabs klomen everyday.
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MegaTron, thank you for your answer. Sorry i forgot to write, i have arimidex as AI. I used it eod or e3d when my face bloated a lot, but still i didnt get away from a bloat face :) I had no signs of gyno or sensitive nipples, only the bloated face and hairloss. I think turinabol will serve me better right now.

My PCT is: nolvadex and klomen for 4 weeks and 2tabs nolvadex 2 tabs klomen everyday.

Using an AI AFTER you get bloated from higher e2 levels is just asking for trouble. It's like getting herpes and only then thinking you should start using condoms.

Use the AI the whole cycle and your body will thank you for the constant hormone levels. Adex gets used EoD not E3D.
Using an AI AFTER you get bloated from higher e2 levels is just asking for trouble. It's like getting herpes and only then thinking you should start using condoms.

Use the AI the whole cycle and your body will thank you for the constant hormone levels. Adex gets used EoD not E3D.

I hope you would use condoms after getting herpes. :-)
I know Proviron and Arimidex is totally differnet things but using both will greatly hinder my gains if i'm not wrong right?

I think i need to correct some thing, with d-bol, im not bloated like crazy, just my face bloated and in my job, it really effects me. Thats why i choosed tbol now. I don't think my e2 got high, because if so, i would have understand it.

So what is your suggestion for me, i will already start pregnyl tomorrow as you said Megatron. And i will use arimidex eod, do i have to contineu proviron also?
I know Proviron and Arimidex is totally differnet things but using both will greatly hinder my gains if i'm not wrong right?

I think i need to correct some thing, with d-bol, im not bloated like crazy, just my face bloated and in my job, it really effects me. Thats why i choosed tbol now. I don't think my e2 got high, because if so, i would have understand it.

So what is your suggestion for me, i will already start pregnyl tomorrow as you said Megatron. And i will use arimidex eod, do i have to contineu proviron also?

Why would getting your estradiol in the normal range (20-40pg/ml) hinder muscle gains?
I know Proviron and Arimidex is totally differnet things but using both will greatly hinder my gains if i'm not wrong right?

I think your problem is that you have a misconception that regulating your estrogen levels will decrease gains. Estrogen being high will cause you to bloat and retain water....but that's not the gains you want anyway, that's water weight. If you simply want size and not lean muscles then sure, leave your e2 unchecked!

I hope you would use condoms after getting herpes. :-)

I certainly would hope so as well! Or abstinence.
I hope you would use condoms after getting herpes. :-)
Hey, my momma said it's always better to give than to receive! Herpes are a gift that keeps on giving. :wiggle:

(not srs ofc)

Why would getting your estradiol in the normal range (20-40pg/ml) hinder muscle gains?

Unfortunately a lot of guys read or hear that water gain increases strength; which it does. This is why a lot of powerlifters skimp on an AI, but run nolva to prevent gyno.

I personally see it as a choice: 5% strength increase (if that) with ridiculous sides like prostatitis or thrombosis, or being healthy with a minor strength potential loss. Note: the gain in strength is only temporary, and is similar to that which can be had from garden-variety creatine.

Oh, and as proviron increases free testosterone, it most definitely won't hinder gains.

My .02c :)
It's been said already. Run your deca longer, hell you are cutting it off by the time you are hitting that sweet zone. I'd also bump your test to a couple more weeks, and drop the DBOL Tbol down to around 5 weeks. Prov is great to help other help other gear being utilized , But it's not an AI. Run an AI for entire cycle then adjust at 5-6 weeks when labs that I KNOW you will have done
I run hCG at 500iu's twice a week - 5 weeks on - 1 week off... repeat.

I'm blasting and cruising and run my hCG like this throughout all my cycles and
has always kept the nuts BIG!!!