Here We go. 1st cycle


New member
Hi, all im about to start my first cycle. I know im going to get flamed because of the cycle i have chosen being that its my first but i already made up my mind and ready to do it. i will be starting in about 3 weeks or so. By all means state your opinions and thoughts, im here to learn and listen!

Height: 5'9
Weight: 185-190 i fluctuate around there
B.F: unknown, if i had to guess it'll be around 15-18%
lifting: 3 years on the serious side. i started 5 years ago weighing at a measly 140. the first 2 years of my gym time was for shits and giggles, until the gym kind of became a hobby!!

so my cycle looks like this:
Wk 1-14 500mg test E
Wk 1-12 400mg EQ
wk 1-4 30mg Dbol ED

arimadex .5mg ED

wk 16 post cycle therapy (pct) begins
Nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 50/50/50/50

Im still hoping to get some hcg, but if it doesnt pull through then no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for me. you guys think i need it? there are so many conflicting opinions on it. If i did have it ill probably one it throgh my cycle at: 500ius E3D or so.

I am not going to lie im pretty excited for this.... any opinions or thoughts on this cycle
Since you already made up your mind and there is no stopping you...can you explain why do you want to run 3 compounds for your first cycle?
sounds dumb and very uneducated but, this is a one time thing and i truly mean that. i dont care how good it makes me feel or the results its going to give me i WILL not do another cycle. so i thought about it and said fuck it go all out and do what i would have done if i were to do a 2nd or 3 cycle. yeah dumb right? but thats the truth....i feel like if i take the necessary precautions i would be ok. prior to my start day i am doing some blood work and and probably again on the cycle and another afterwards just to see where im at. theyre fairly cheap here so why not!
When you do first cycle and your body is introduced to a hormone for a first time it reacts strongly. Statistically an average person gains about 20-25 pounds on his first test only bulking cycle. There is just no reason to throw in all the extra gear because you can only grow as much

In your case you are looking for about the same gains with much more side effects. 3 hormones for a first cycle is a bad idea, because there is no telling how your body will react...and when something bad hits you you wont be able to tell which compound is to blame

At least drop the eq from your cycle and run test at 500 for 12 weeks
If you HAVE to kick start your cycle with dbol like you wanted just watch your blood pressure and drink at least a gal of water a day so you didnt bloat the hack up

And again drop the your case itll only add up to the side effects and not the gains

PS: g/l with your first and only cycle in your life :p
not flaming you bra,but you are making a mistake,but im not to judge,you will find out in the long run,hopefully in the future you wont be on here saying i had to get on trt:Pokeowned
yeah I understand. Thanks for the concerns..... i still have it in mind but am second guessing it. We'll see once the time comes.
if you have a side from one of the drugs you wont know what one it is. do test only then add an other in the future HEALTH fist! come on be smart about it. its worth it in the long run.