hexerelin or ghrp-6?


New member
So i just finished my first cycle of ghrp-6 and cjc wo dac i have a boattle of hex that i reconstituted a day or so ago so i must use it but what are the differences i know both hex andghrp6 are ghrp chems but they half to have slightly different effects so in ones experience witch one is the best im looking forward to not having hunger pains for a few weeks but which one can i lose the most weight with or see the best gain im gonna be using it with cjc wo dac as well as soon as it gets in my box
Yeah i deff dnt want the appitite boost but will the hex cut me up like the ghrp6 and id be doing the same doses of the hex as i would ghrp6 100-150 mcg 3x a day? As well as 100-150 mcgs of cjc 3x aday or would it be lower or higher or the same and ive been reading some of dats stuff it says hex can lead more to desensitizing after a few weeks or so how would i actually know if i were desensitized? lol does it hurt or something do i die or does it just not work as well
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Hey nasty nate.. read this :)

Ghrp-2 Is more potent than GHRP-6 and Ipramorelin, GHRP-2 has a stronger effect on prolactin and Cortisol at all dosing levels rising to the high normal range. It has minimal Gastric affects, and should not cause stomach discomfort or major hunger pains like its counterpart GHRP-6, an effective dose of GHRP-2 is the same as all GHRP***8217;s @ 1mcg per 2.2lbs of body weight, most users however dose at the saturation dose which is 100mcg. With GHRP-2 you do not need to cycle off, as your body will not desensitize to the compound.

Hexarelin is just as strong as GHRP-2 but affects Prolactin, and Cortisol at much higher levels, Hexarelin has been shown to desensitize no matter the dose, and no matter the length of time used, and can happen at any moment, If this does happen, stopping use for a 8-10 day period will allow your body to utilize the compound once more. Hexarelin does affect gastric mobility and can cause stomach discomfort in users. Saturation dose is 100mcg

Ipamorelin is as potent as GHRP-6 , and does not affect prolactin or cortisol at any dose. Ipramorelin does not desensitize, and use can be on going, without losing effect. Ipamorelin does not cause any gastric issues, and will not increase hunger to the point of pain. Out of the 4 GHRP***8217;s Ipamorelin is the safest, and has the least amount of sides than any of the GHRP***8217;s on the market today, however, GHRP-2 and Hexarelin are the most potent form of GHRP. Saturation dose is 100mcg

GHRP-6 is as potent as Ipamorelin, and does not affect prolactin and cortisol under doses of 100mcg, but only affects these hormones minimally above 100mcg, GHRP-6 does affect stomach, and can cause major stomach discomfort in some users, It also increase Appetite greatly, and normally within 30 min after administration, Most use GHRP-6 to bulk with because of the increase in appetite. Saturation Dose is 100mcg

Mod-Grf(1-29) Or more commonly known as CJC-1295 W/O Dac, ( but really isn***8217;t lol ) Is a GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) Taken alone will be as effective as drinking your Test E, ( not effective ) but when combined with a GHRP it nullifies the presence of Somatostatin which would halt a GH pulse. Think of Mof-Grf as an Amplifier, it takes the GH pulsed caused by GHRP***8217;s and Amplifies its effect making the GH pulse received even greater. All the while turning ***8220;off***8221; the presence of Somatostatin and allowing a high GH pulse. Getting Modified GRF is important because regular GRF such as cjc-1293 degrades very rapidly once injected, and the end result is a 4% usability, Modified GRF is Tetra Substituted. Because of 4 amino acid substitutions it will not rapidly metabolize in plasma and will make its way to the pituitary where it will affect growth hormone release, and the end result is a 90% plus usability in the blood stream.
Great info where did you find but my next question is what is desensitization and how and when do i know if it is occurring or has occurred? so if anybody has any info on that that would by cool or a link or a sticky or something great info though still learning here but learning much thanks guys

ive read this but i mean:::::: all sources from Dosing GHRPs by DatBtrue

Hexarelin in some is the most efficacious otherwise it is equipotent or a little less so then GHRP-2 at causing an increase in GH release. However it has the highest potential to also increase cortisol & prolactin. This rise will occur even at the 100mcg saturation dose. This rise will reach the higher levels of what is defined as normal.


GHRP-6 can be used at saturation dose (100mcg) three or four times a day without risk of desensitization.

GHRP-2 at saturation dose several times a day will not result in desensitization.

Hexarelin has been shown to bring about desensitization but in a long-term study the pituitary recovered its sensitivity so that there was not long-term loss of sensitivity at saturation dose. However dosing Hexarelin even at 100mcg three times a day will likely lead to some down regulation within 14 days. all sources by Dosing GHRPs by DatBtrue

it says will most likely in 14 days but see this still doesnt tell me/us what exactly Desensitization is should i stop using after 14 days or should i use this whole cycle of hexarelin w/ cjc w/o dac? and the other stuff i have been reading says it only Desensitizes after prolonged uses so i wanna know what exactly is Desensitization and how would i know im going through this? if i dont know what the symptoms are? any info on this would be helpful but for now until im told diff lol im going to use the hexarelin and the cjc w/o dac at saturation doses 100 mcg 3x a day and the tren ace until the bottles are gone and if i have to ill give it a few days for my pituitary to recover anybody got anything on this? please give me plenty of info thanks :) so if im doing this wrong please someone let me know
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Great info where did you find but my next question is what is desensitization and how and when do i know if it is occurring or has occurred? so if anybody has any info on that that would by cool or a link or a sticky or something great info though still learning here but learning much thanks guys

hi nate,
from my understanding the desensitization means that your body would not react to the substance anymore,or simply what you try to trigger has no effect anymore at which point you would stop so that the body builds up sensitivity to the trigger again.as this scenario apparently does not occur you should be able to use it over longer periods of time without loosing the effectiveness of the reaction of your body to the compounds.
but hey that is just my interpretation and not a scientifically backed fact. :hitit::naughty:
Great info where did you find but my next question is what is desensitization and how and when do i know if it is occurring or has occurred? so if anybody has any info on that that would by cool or a link or a sticky or something great info though still learning here but learning much thanks guys

hi nate,
from my understanding the desensitization means that your body would not react to the substance anymore,or simply what you try to trigger has no effect anymore at which point you would stop so that the body builds up sensitivity to the trigger again.as this scenario apparently does not occur you should be able to use it over longer periods of time without loosing the effectiveness of the reaction of your body to the compounds.
but hey that is just my interpretation and not a scientifically backed fact. :hitit::naughty:

so do i need to shut it down for a few days every 2 weeks or so if i run the hex and cjc wo dac or should i shut down for a few days after each cycle but the info ur giving me is getting me closer to the understanding cause you cant really find shit on google bout it i wanna know what someone else did that ran hex and ghrh together what exactly worked for them maybe thatll get me where i need to be but in the meantime more reading and studying thanks dude :) ill probably just shut down every cycle of it for a few days idk unless somebody else has something better lol next time im doin ghrp6 or 2 and ghrh it seems easier lol i didnt know hex was gonna be so intrusive
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so do i need to shut it down for a few days every 2 weeks or so if i run the hex and cjc wo dac or should i shut down for a few days after each cycle but the info ur giving me is getting me closer to the understanding cause you cant really find shit on google bout it i wanna know what someone else did that ran hex and ghrh together what exactly worked for them maybe thatll get me where i need to be but in the meantime more reading and studying thanks dude :) ill probably just shut down every cycle of it for a few days idk unless somebody else has something better lol next time im doin ghrp6 or 2 and ghrh it seems easier lol i didnt know hex was gonna be so intrusive

i am using cjc1295 wo dac and ghrp 6 since november 11,no interruption a part of couple of days every now and then when i went away with family,never noticed any change in effects.thinking of swapping to ghrp2 as it seems to be even more effective.when you talk cycle are you talking just peps or other substances combined? my understanding is that there is no need to cycle peps like rp6 or rp 2.maybe others have some input here to.
I personally wouldn't recommend hex. I would recommend either ipam, ghrp2, or ghrp6 paired with cjc.

If you're goal is fat loss, then ipam or ghrp2. To enhance fat loss, take the peps in the morning and do fasted cardio.

Hgh frag is also an option if you're going for fat loss.
I personally wouldn't recommend hex. I would recommend either ipam, ghrp2, or ghrp6 paired with cjc.

If you're goal is fat loss, then ipam or ghrp2. To enhance fat loss, take the peps in the morning and do fasted cardio.

Hgh frag is also an option if you're going for fat loss.

Just out of curiousity, what don't you like about hex?
I personally wouldn't recommend hex. I would recommend either ipam, ghrp2, or ghrp6 paired with cjc.

If you're goal is fat loss, then ipam or ghrp2. To enhance fat loss, take the peps in the morning and do fasted cardio.

Hgh frag is also an option if you're going for fat loss.

Well see the thing is im allready on the hex two days now i was doing ghrp-6 and cjc wo dac but while on it did a bit of research and i found out that hex was stronger me being the male i am just grabbed it up with out any further research ima total douche for doing that next time research research research lol but the thing is from what i can read is every 14 days there needs to be a 2-3 day break? or has someone used the whole bottle and stopped i dnt get it and cant find jack abt it on google thats prob why im going to switch to ghrp2 or imaperelin after this cycle slash bottle or whatever thats i like the hex no hunger less gas and stuff but i have no idea if or when i will desensitize dats stuff says down time almost for sure in about 14 days but that is waaay to specific lol hence everyone and their bodies are different so what worked for everybody else on this hex bs that has done it im all eyes lol meathead where you at? lol i need ya bro lol but theres not a whole lot of shit on the internet about hex or desensitization yadda yadda im just gonna sub c it and after 14 days take a couple of days order more by the time that gets here i should be desensitized or whatever lol hell if i know ima wing it lmao
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Well see the thing is im allready on the hex two days now i was doing ghrp-6 and cjc wo dac but while on it did a bit of research and i found out that hex was stronger me being the male i am just grabbed it up with out any further research ima total douche for doing that next time research research research lol but the thing is from what i can read is every 14 days there needs to be a 2-3 day break? or has someone used the whole bottle and stopped i dnt get it and cant find jack abt it on google thats prob why im going to switch to ghrp2 or imaperelin after this cycle slash bottle or whatever thats i like the hex no hunger less gas and stuff but i have no idea if or when i will desensitize dats stuff says down time almost for sure in about 14 days but that is waaay to specific lol hence everyone and their bodies are different so what worked for everybody else on this hex bs that has done it im all eyes lol meathead where you at? lol i need ya bro lol but theres not a whole lot of shit on the internet about hex or desensitization yadda yadda im just gonna sub c it and after 14 days take a couple of days order more by the time that gets here i should be desensitized or whatever lol hell if i know ima wing it lmao

The hex is fine brother. It is supposed to be stronger, although I have not tried it. It should be structually similar to GHRP-6 without the hunger effect. You don't need to take a break like that with these peps. I've been on cjc/ghrp-2 or 6 for like 5 months now.