Totally legit, I'm brand new, I love lifting, I love the idea of being in shape. I'm only 5'4", 160 lbs.. I'm an Active Duty Marine, so I'm always busy and on the move.. I found this site by accident while looking up a product I found out here in Japan... About 5 months ago, I came across a bottle of "Nutraclipse Raptor Prohormone" not the Redux, the original... I took it and LOVED the gains I got.. I looked for more and couldn't find it... now Christmas is rolling around, I was looking to get more.. and my friend mentioned to me, that it was banned due to Superdrol being its main ingredient.. so thats what brought me to here... I'm like a sponge and want to adsorb any information you guys are willing to give me. (By the way, this is my first EVER forum I've ever posted on any website.. so I'm still getting the hang of how this all works)