hey new to steroids need serious and useful suggestions


New member
hi i am planning to begin with my first cycle of deca testa.

deca 100mg/week
testa 250mg/week

please suggest me and what medications should i take along with this cycle to prevent side effects. i am new to all this and i want to keep the dosage as low as possible with a good diet.

body fat is 22% age-22.


hey thanks for your advise. my height is 5 feet 8 inches and weight is 70. i have been working out since 5 months with a normal diet 150 to 200 grams protein a day. and about fat i really dont know the exact percentage of fat in my body. but i am not fat at all. but the reason i want to go on steroids is that i am not getting results. my arms are 14 since 3 to 4 months i miss gym for 3-4 days my body gets down. i am not understanding. plus i am from INDIA so people here really dont know an A about bodybuilding(atleast people whom i have met). i really want to be fit. i lift good weight in the gym still i m not satisfied with the results. help me out suggest me something. i really want to stay away from steroids but i m confused!!
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whats your height and weight? How long have you been lifting?

Just an FYI everyone is going to tell you that you are 1) too young, 2) too high in BF. Get your body fat down and use the natural test that you have. It is easy to think you want it at 22, however your chances of going on TRT are much higher using at such a young age. Truly think about if you really want to pin for the rest of your life, like when you are 50 and 60.
If anyone could give some advise id be great ful. I've been working out for some time now "Maybe 10 years" and have done a couple stacks in the past year. First was Test E 300mil per wk for 8 weeks with min gains. Second I did Test C 400mil per wk stacked with Deca 300mil per wk for 9 weeks with some gain but majority water. Took Nolvdex as recommended. Im ready for some change. What would you recommend for a 30 yr old, 74inches, 210lbs looking for mass. Serious mass. Thanks
I would first start reading the stickies. Have patients and make sure you know all the risks before you jump in. Second, it may be a hard pill to swallow (or not to as the case me be) but cycling with 22% body fat is not a good idea as you will increase your risk for my related health issues. Also search for the aromotase enzyme and read up. You shouldn't consider cycling until you are at least 15-16% bf and some recommend even lower ~13%.
horrible cycle. thats TRT for test. you need to do more research. read up on deca and test, steroid profile on the top left corner.
What is the reason you want to use juice? 12-13 bf% before you start. Test only on your first cycle.

DO NOT CYCLE YET. Educate yourself than educate yourself after you educate yourself.

The only cycle you should do at your age is the KGBL STACK.
6 hours in the Kitchen
1.5 in Gym
7 hours in Bed (some say they need 8 hours, to them I say "sleep faster"
9.5 hours in the Library)

This is the long kept beginner cycle secret that everybody comes to ology to find.
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The consensus is, your body fat percentage is too high. It might even be higher than you think. More fat means more aromatase enzyme to convert testosterone into estradiol. That means less test for your muscles and brain, and more estradiol("bad estrogen") for your titties to grow. I know this guy who's gyno pokes through his shirts. I don't even think he realizes either.
hey thanks for your advise. my height is 5 feet 8 inches and weight is 70. i have been working out since 5 months with a normal diet 150 to 200 grams protein a day. and about fat i really dont know the exact percentage of fat in my body. but i am not fat at all. but the reason i want to go on steroids is that i am not getting results. my arms are 14 since 3 to 4 months i miss gym for 3-4 days my body gets down. i am not understanding. plus i am from INDIA so people here really dont know an A about bodybuilding(atleast people whom i have met). i really want to be fit. i lift good weight in the gym still i m not satisfied with the results. help me out suggest me something. i really want to stay away from steroids but i m confused!!
You've only been in gym 5 months. Your diet, training and genetics are not conducive to the results you want. Research those areas
Look up starting strength. Find out your TDEE. Eat 500-1000 calories over your TDEE. Get enough sleep. Just focus on increasing your weight on starting strength. You need a better base than what you have right now.