HGH and height boost ?


New member
Hi all, well so much of a positive first post... I just know I will get spat at and insulted but heck I'd rather ask the knowledgeable bunch than learn on mistakes made on my own body. I am 23 years old 169cm height with 84kilos @ around 17% BF. I have no intention on bulking or cutting I had a really bad pneumonia from diving and am giving my body a rest but the little devil is nagging me. I am in and out of the gym from my 17th birthday have been training karate for almost 12 years and have lived a healthy lifestyle. Now I have been reading about the darn PH's roids and GH's for some time and did my x-ray's a week ago... Well both the doc and me were shocked as he saw that my "bone" age is closer 19-20 than to 23 years of age. I was born prematurely and he attributes this to the bone age. My growing plates did not close and there is still space, 169 is for my idea of ideal constitution in one word SHORT. I have access to somatropin and could secure enough of it for a full cycle. Would it cause premature closure of growth plates and end my possible (but probably neglige ) growth or could I see a bump in my height and at what health costs except to that written here and in some more easily accessible clinical studies.

Thanks in advance. And I hope you do not make minced meat out of me just yet. I have been lurking here for some time and thanks for some of the posts here i have stayed "natural" (if that could be said seeing all the shit that's available and marketed as natural today) and have gained a whole load of respect for the guys in the know that use the gear properly...

Best Regards
