HGH and Test E cycle!! need advises


New member
Alright guys, since no one answered me on the same message, I will be posting this again.
I'm almost finished with my alphabol (another version of dianabol) cycle. Since it was my first cycle in my whole life I kinda f*cked it up by only taking it without anything. So I thought about HGH and test E in a few weeks for my next cycle. I got a few questions:
- Should I be running post cycle therapy (pct)?
- Is it enough to run HGH and test for 3 months? Also I will be probably injecting 2 iu HGH 5 days on 2 days off for 2 weeks then increase the dosis to 4 iu.
What do you guys suggest? please go easy on me and just answer my questions to solve my problems since I'm a newbie.
Everybody have to start somewhere.
First of all you should never have done a dbol only cycle. Please make sure as soon as you finish this cycle you do a pct with at least clomid 50mg a day for 4wks. Take as much time off as you did when you were on plus post cycle therapy (pct). In the meantime research, research, research. Read the stickies. HGH is hardly a cycle, its a lifestyle. If your not going to run a decent dose (4iu plus) for at least 6months then don't do it. Test E is a good option for a first real cycle but you need to research way more about AAS. This is all assuming you are at least 21yrs old or older and have been training and dieting for a good amount of time. If not then just do this PCT and wait until your older and more experienced.