HGH Article by Red Baron

I'm new to all this and appreciate any info I can get on HGH.

if you don't have diabetes - or any family history of diabetes -

if you do NOT have any tumors or cancers or a family history of cancer ...

go for it ... start low dose 2IU/day -- work up slowly.

dosage - article was pretty close to "right-on". I don't think UNLESS you are full out competition you need more than 4IU's per day.
If I am 23 years old want to cut weight gain muscle mass and weight training and running is not doing it for me would a 6 month cycle of hgh be a good idea?
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HGH is gold to me. But so expensive!!!

$275/month without prescription

HGH is gold to me. But so expensive , I live in Australia too.

I am also trying to keep a fatal disease from hitting me as long as I can. I dont know if i have it yet, 50% chance I do. I will know soonish though. If I do it will hit me in the later years. Anti-ageing is the only way I can think of to approach any real kind of treatment right now.

Fleverglades, or if anyone else can help me, could you please PM me with info on how to get it for $275 a month?..oh and I know this is an old thread, but hopefully someone will message me?