HGH/Cycle log!


New member
Hello i am 22 years old i am about to start my first hgh cycle ( yes i know all the B.S people are going to give me but i know the risk and am under super vision from my doctor) i am going to run elitropin hgh at 4-5 iu's for a year until my first show. i am currently 5ft 11 210lbs at 8% bf

2 cycles will happen before next year

1-16/test e-750mg ew
1-14/deca-500mg ew
1-5 dbol 50mg ed
adex .25mg eod
Hcg/week 4-250 ius twice a week.

Second cycle
1-12 test e
12-18 test prop
1-14 tren ace
14-18/ Winstrol (winny) 50mg ed
adex/.25mg eod
Caber.5mg ed
Hcg week 4/250iu's 2twice a week

will keep you posted on the igf results.