Hgh dosage correction...please let me know


New member
So if I have 10 10iu bottles of gh. Would I mix 1ml of bac water into each 10iu vial to get my units? That way when. I pull the plunger back to 2 I will get 2iu out of gh to inject? Is this correct. Thank you for replying...and reconstituted gh should be refrigerated correct? And Unreconstituted gh should be stored at room temp? Correct...
I found a few good sources for cheap gh so I'm thinking of trying some out to see how it goes with my current trt protocol. But I need help with the making of it...
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Yes. But keep both re and unconstituted in the fridge. Roush already told you this in your other thread.

so keep both reconstituted and unconstituted in the fridge? r u sure...? i thought unconstituted was supposed to remain in room temp away from light. at least thats what one member said.
so keep both reconstituted and unconstituted in the fridge? r u sure...? i thought unconstituted was supposed to remain in room temp away from light. at least thats what one member said.

So this is the third time you've asked the same question. Let me give you the same response you've gotten the last two times.

Keep all forms of hgh in the fridge.

Yes, I am sure.
if i run it will be 200iu kit worth

Not worth it if you're only going to run 200iu of generic. Save your money.

Moreover, you've just started TRT, which could well change your life for the better. For now why don't you worry about getting your TRT dialed in? Focus on that for now.