hgh frag 176-191 questions


New member
Iv been reading all about the fat loss effects of this frag and i am interested in trying it next spring. I just have a couple questions that i wasnt able to find clearly from searching. Im a complete hgh noob and iv never used hcg either so im not sure if i fully understand how the mixing the bac water and what not works and the conversion rates. Could anyone explain that to me in simpe terms? Also iv read some places that injection site matters. Why is that?
Been pinning 100 mcg 3x daily & haven't noticed weightloss. 3 weeks in also pinning 1lr3 bi laterally & can say I have kept my gains from a recent 16 wk cycle.
mine comes in a 5mg vial. so its 15 iu i dilute with bac water at 1.5ml so every 10 click on the pin is 1 iu of frag. :)
I've read results kick in 300-500mcg. But you know you got to do it when insulin is not present and all that good stuff :)