HGH Side effects on women


New member
Super curious about side effects on women. especially older women who may have certain hormonal isses, pre-menpausal stuff. I did a cycle of gh a few years back and felt no side effects whatsoever, but Ive started a new cycle and feeling weird now. Ive had an ovary removed since my last cycle and am wondering if what Im going thru is hormonal and will eventually mellow out? I feel nauseus, visual blurriness (very little but there), flu like here and there...

Any help on this? Is this normal?
Better skin, nails, and hair. Bone growth...enlarged jaw, nose, and hands. Those are the noticeable side effects.

Organ enlargement is one that you will not notice until it is too late.

So please be conservative in your doses.

And yes....some people can have nausea but I'm not sure about blurred vision. That does not seem normal to me.
I'm 22, female. I've gained 16lbs in the last year or so and was thinking about trying hgh. I haven't met any females who've taken it and all the guys I talk to seem to be really concerned because of the bone growth and organ enlargement...any advice? I've also been told that I am too young to do it. I have been working out for about 2 hours a day 5 days a week and would like to have an extra boost. I also was wondering how soon I would see results?
Im on a cycle of hgh right now and I have a bit of the blurry vision too. I dont think its a big deal, it comes and goes for me. I havent had any negative sides in the past 10 weeks that I have run it, just fat loss, better sleep, body recomping, pain lessening and hair/nail growth.
I'm 22, female. I've gained 16lbs in the last year or so and was thinking about trying hgh. I haven't met any females who've taken it and all the guys I talk to seem to be really concerned because of the bone growth and organ enlargement...any advice? I've also been told that I am too young to do it. I have been working out for about 2 hours a day 5 days a week and would like to have an extra boost. I also was wondering how soon I would see results?

Did you exhaust all exercise regimen and diet options? Yes, I feel you're way too young for that stuff. When you get older your recovery ability gets impaired, tendons get worse, etc and metabolism slows down, so I would leave stuff like you're talking about as a last resort measure, if you're older and exhausted other options.
22 is too young. Reason being you are still growing even if you don't notice it. Most people don't stop really growing till around 24-25. The most noticeable growth stops between 19-21. I was an odditiy...I still grew noticeably at 24-25, but I also started puberty very late.
i've been on doctor perscribed hgh for 6 months now (1iu Mon-Fri) The only thing I notice is the lean body mass, I'm able to cheat more on my diet and still maintain nice abs whereas before all my weight went there right away. I wish I felt all the other great things that's supposed to come with it, but I'm still tired & sluggish.

As for the organ enlargment & bone growth my doc told me the bone growth occurs only at crazy amounts like 6iu's+. If you keep it at a reasonable dosage the effects are supposed to be very small w/o the bad side effects
i haven't had any of the side effects listed by lvgirl. i am 3 weeks into a 6 month cycle. 4 ius daily of blue tops. i have had numbness in hands (normally at night - wakes me up), but today, had an episode during cardio routine. also noticed more sweat during workouts.

not bf loss yet.
I'll start my cycle on SAT , for those try hgh before did you need any other than hgh :scratchhe if so what you suggestion

alot of my male fraiends suggetied that I need to add stenazol :scratchhe but I'm not sure
Your male friends are idiots. Don't add Stanazol.

I am a 24 year old female taking 1 iu of hgh(somatropin) everyother day. I heard taking igf with hgh is supposed to work well together?? is this a good idea? i have been taking the hgh for about a week now so i m fresh into my cycle so far i am feeling great havent noticed any bad side effects just feel rejuvinated and not sluggish or tired at all i am wondering if i should just stick to strictly the hgh or try adding the igf with it?
HGH gets converted by the liver into IGF-1, it then interacts with slin to do its job. You should do a little more reading, it can be a nice thing to have in a cycle.

HGH is not the maricle drug everyone claims it is. however......

As a MAN, on 5-20IU day, I notice dramatic effects in my frame in 5 days. If your on pharma grade GH you should see some results fairly quickly. NOW with that said.

Women only take a small dose, I dont think that you will see much change unless the dose is higher. But I am unsure how safe it is for women.

Your male friends are stupid for telling you to add stanazol. Women should not touch steroids unless you want to SERIOUSLY alter your frame to be more square like a man. AND YOU CANT GO BACK once it has been changed. Anavar would be as far as you should go as a woman.

I do get tingle in my hands and feet, blured vision, very sleepy when the dose is above 10IU. I dont recomend it for anyone unless your serious, there can be health issues with everything.
Water retention can be combated with herbal suplaments like dandilion and cranberry.

SO.....anyway...enough rambeling.

MY GF has endometriosis and wants to do GH, I am unsure if its safe. It will make the endo grow more I am sure. Altho not a doctor....I told her she could start at .5 IU 2x day and see how she did.

What are the womans thoughts on this?