HGH-Test cycle draft, need help!


New member
Alright so this is going to be my 4th cycle I'm 5'8" 186 pounds. I have never done HGH before so I definitely need some help with this cycle. I want to start with HGH only for 2-3 months at 6UI a week pinning twice a day 5 days a week (off on wednesdays and sundays)

After 2 months, I'll keep going with the HGH same amount, and start the Test (sustanon or Test E) 600mg/week with 500ui of HCG (is it ok to pin it only once a week?). I'll do that for 12-14 weeks then continue with the HGH only for a few months.

Now there are a couple things I am not sure about.. For my PCT I wanna do Clomid 50/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20 first of all I need your opinion on this.. But I'm also not sure as to when I should start that, is it 2 weeks after my last TEST injection, regardless of the fact that I continue the HGH??

Also what do you guys suggest as an AI for such a cycle?? And do I need to take anything while I'm only on HGH or only when I start the TEST??

Thanks guys!
I was advised to run GH for 6 months min. I have done that and plan on at least a year. I am averaging 6iu a week and I am on TRT. I can tell you that you need to be on it for a while and the results although may vary from person to person they are not earth shattering. But I will be starting my blast in a few more months and I am looking forward to some great gains cause I have been using the GH for over 6 months .
You can use GH everyday, 5 on 2 off is to save money. But you have to figure thats 2 days a week,8 days amonth and if your running it for 6 months thats 48 days outta the 6 months you are not on GH which is more than a month! I would say for a 6 month GH cycle you are better off taking it everyday. For a 1 yr cycle you can get away with a 5 on 2 off.
Don't even bother with the hgh if your only running it for 2-3 months,, save up and get more and run it for 9-12 months. . . I ran 6iu a day for a couple months, no results whatsoever (it was prescription so yes it was legit). Also with only 6iu I don't see the point in splitting up the injection, just do one injection upon waking., and it's best to just do it every day unless you really are trying to save money.

But you really will be wasting $ if you only run hgh for 3 months!

Get a years worth of hgh, then run your test e cycle any time you want during that year,, as for the hcg while on cycle, I do two 250 iu injection twice a week for a 500 a week total,, you can do just one 500 a week injection as well (I get a bit of a knot when injecting 500 all at once so that's why I split it up)
Yes I meant 6UI a day,
Like I said in the first post, I'll be using it for more than 6 months, I'll do 2-3 months before the test cycle and 2-3 months after the cycle as well.

Do you guys think I should add anything in the Test cycle?? I don't wanna do just Test alone

I also wanna do Arimidex as an AI but I don't remember how to dose it during the Test cycle.. anyone wants to help?
Adex .5 eod is a good starting point.
Running deca along with your test is a pretty fundamental cycle.
What are your goals?
Adex .5 eod is a good starting point.
Running deca along with your test is a pretty fundamental cycle.
What are your goals?

Thanks! I've done a Test E deca cycle before and for some reason, it was my crappiest cycle, results wise!

My goals are to gain muscle mass with no fat whatsoever.
If your intent is to stay lean, you may want to add thyroid hormones along with the HGh, , adding t-3 will add to the thermogenic effectiveness of your cycle, while the test helps you stay anabolic and building muscle. Just a thought.
If your intent is to stay lean, you may want to add thyroid hormones along with the HGh, , adding t-3 will add to the thermogenic effectiveness of your cycle, while the test helps you stay anabolic and building muscle. Just a thought.
Thanks for your imput bud!
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Alright so I found a good trustworhy source and I wanted to start the GH 2 months or so before my test cycle by my "source" who is a successful bodybuilder says that starting Gh with AA's is just wasting it.. He says you need some test to get the GH going... Any truth behind that?? what do you guys think?