Hi Fat bulking diet - anyone have experience


I am banned!
I've been on a Keto diet for some time, so I've grown accustomed to eating high fat (70% fat) no/low carbs. My pallet has changed and I now enjoy fattier cuts of meat, dark chicken, bacon, etc.. all things that before Keto I did not eat very often.

I got on Keto for health reasons,, not for body building reasons., It cured my sleep apnea, and high blood pressure, and I'm no longer on acid blockers. I've lost quite a bit of weight and strength in the gym though. So was going to attempt a bulk bringing back in some carbs, but also maintaing a higher fat diet that I'm accustomed to.

Any suggestions or thoughts, or anyone else ever been in this type of situation or have experience 'clean' bulking on a high fat diet (medium to low carb). ?

note: I thought about a 'ketogenic' bulk,, but the problem with that is that eating a keto diet really quenches your appetite easily and your not very hungry that often.. so, I wanna bulk with a strong appetite, not force myself to eat.

* by 'clean',, I don't mean 'lean' or 'low fat'.. I mean all natural foods, not processed crap
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think I'm just gonna stay eating the fattier cuts of meat and fats like avacodes, olives, nuts etc.. but then add in carbs, especially around my workout. then go low/no carb on off days, which is usually just one day a week.

I'm guessing most of you guys bulk with a high protein, high carb , low fat diet.. and this is your 'clean' bulk.

still curious if anyone has experience or ideas bulking with high fat, high protein, medium/low carb