

New member
hi everyone first i would like to say hello as im new to the forum and also the world of steriodology. so you maybe wondering why now so here a brief discription of my current circumstances/ problem that i would be greteful for your help with.

i boxed all throughout high school till i became a bit of a gym rat and got into weight training. i love not just training but everything along with it to nutrition, my body and anotomy. i have only ever supplimented with products i can buy at my healthfood shop and this has been successful for me with the goals i set.

i injured my shoulder and had an operation to restablize and repair it nearly 2 yrs ago now. with intensive pyso therapy and blood, sweat and tear i sucessfully regain very good range of motion and flexibility, it really is amazing what key hole surgery can achieve.

The problem im having is not that my shoulder is fixed now but my left side of my body is very weak (this is from a training point of view, not medical) as i been sign fit by my doc again for well over a yr now. i train five times a week but feel this problem even affects me when im swimming, which the pyso recommended as best in the initial recovery period.

i want to be able to progress and would like advice on what would be best to take. my initial idea is to take steriods for up to six months to develop my body back a balanced state, i feel and get tension in my right side from over compinsating and now that when i had more strenght it really helped. plus the advice the doctor gave me was the more muscle strenght and condition i achieve the less strain and preasure will be placed on the repair, basically the strong muscles hold a secure joint. the noticiable visual difference in muscle mass is my upper back on the injured side and the bic/tri in the injured side. I also put fat on not problem, think its from always having to make/change weight for boxing. so would prefer something that would not store to much fat that i have to shift at the end of the six months (or cycle that is recommended)

It is not my intention to use regually once i have developed back to an acceptable level, i feel that this is the next step and have exhausted (painfully at time) my other options and feel this is really holding me back. i guess its true what they say you dont appreciate your health till you no longer have it. i dont just miss the physical/mental high working out gave me but to be honest most of my life/friends all revolve around health and exercise. look forward to any positive feedback

Enjoy :)