high(er) dose epistane?


New member
has anyone here had experience running epistane at +50mg the whole cycle?

just wanted to get some personal feedback to finish planning my cycle and hit the ground running next month.

so tell me what you ran and sides, gains, etc.

not really interested in the 20-30mg runs that everyone else seems to have made. Though if that worked for you thats great.

thanks fellas.
ive done 50mg for 2wks, 60mg for 3wks.....joints take it pretty bad, you are very very dry.

if i did it again i wouldnt go past 50mg.....no point.

other NTBM guys have done 60, maybe 70mg of epi before....

they will chime in i bet
I went up to 40 or 50 and my joints hurt like hell too. I bought super cissus for my next run to hopefully avoid that side.
I'm running it @30mg and I'm seeing good results. I know thats not what you wanted to hear but IMHO it's better to run the ph (or aas) were you see results with minimal sides. I have been on for over 2 weeks and have zero sides. If the strength gains I'm seeing now stall/slow down @30mg/day I'm not going to bump up the dose and risk excessive side effects, but will rather start the bottle of stano-200 (stanodrol clone) I have on hand for this exact purpose.

I rather add in another compound at a moderate dose rather than spike up the dose on 1ph..At some point you see diminishing results from a higher dose as well as an exponential increase in side effects
I'm running it @30mg and I'm seeing good results. I know thats not what you wanted to hear but IMHO it's better to run the ph (or aas) were you see results with minimal sides. I have been on for over 2 weeks and have zero sides. If the strength gains I'm seeing now stall/slow down @30mg/day I'm not going to bump up the dose and risk excessive side effects, but will rather start the bottle of stano-200 (stanodrol clone) I have on hand for this exact purpose.

I rather add in another compound at a moderate dose rather than spike up the dose on 1ph..At some point you see diminishing results from a higher dose as well as an exponential increase in side effects

actually thats exactly what i wanted to hear combined with what the other guys said. i have shoulder problems so i guess high dose epi is a no go for me, ill have joint stuff on hand regardless. I'll just save whats left over of the second bottle for another run.

the plan is to do epi bridged to AHv3 which is a somewhat stano product.

Thanks for the experiences guys.
actually thats exactly what i wanted to hear combined with what the other guys said. i have shoulder problems so i guess high dose epi is a no go for me, ill have joint stuff on hand regardless. I'll just save whats left over of the second bottle for another run.

the plan is to do epi bridged to AHv3 which is a somewhat stano product.

Thanks for the experiences guys.

That should work well. you can always go up to 40 or so to see how you tolerate it and drop down if it hurts - the joints that were the biggest problem for me were knees and elbows, especially elbows, since they are used in pretty much every upper body exercise in one way or another.
That should work well. you can always go up to 40 or so to see how you tolerate it and drop down if it hurts - the joints that were the biggest problem for me were knees and elbows, especially elbows, since they are used in pretty much every upper body exercise in one way or another.

thanks for the post. pretty cool to see you've been hanging around for 8 years.

I have enough to run 40 for 6 weeks or 50 or so for 5 weeks. idk how long i want to be on exactly. I'm thinking ill start at 30 and adjust if necessary.

thanks guys
Don't waste your time starting at 30. Just start at 40 and go up from there. I wasted my time at less than 30 on my first epi run. DUMB!

Epi will jack your strength to lift smart and easy into higher poundages and that should help mitigate the 'joint soreness' problem that a lot report....although epi does reduce estrogen to a degree but combined with lifting to much too fast it will exasperate the problem
I ran it at 50/60/60/60/60/70. Only sides were lethargy and slight back pumps, nothing to severe. Gains were ok at best. Kept about 6 pounds after post cycle therapy (pct). hope that helps
I did a cycle of Havoc a while ago, and ran with 50mg ED during the cycle. I was happy/impressed with the results. I wouldn't run it at that dosage for more than 8 weeks tho: it's still liver toxic....and when you up the dosage that much, it is just that much harder on it....and you still need post cycle therapy (pct). make sure you use liver support and milk thistle.
Honestly I think that running multiple compounds together for 4 weeks is a better choice than going really high dosages with a weak compound like epistane. It will keep certain side effects like joint problems lower. And usually multiple pro hormones have a synergistic effect.
Honestly I think that running multiple compounds together for 4 weeks is a better choice than going really high dosages with a weak compound like epistane. It will keep certain side effects like joint problems lower. And usually multiple pro hormones have a synergistic effect.

X2x. Find a light non meth to stack.