High Estradiol, been injecting 1x every 2 weeks


New member
So I've been on TRT since February of this year (due to a brain tumor and initial total test level of 45). I was on Axiron daily initially though late July. I had my blood results done on July 14th and they were the following:

Testosterone, Serum (Total): 100ng/dL (Reference Range: 348-1197) LOW
Free Testosterone, Serum: 21pg/mL (Reference Range: 52-280) LOW
Estradiol (Roche ECLIA methodology): 30.7pg/mL (Reference Range: 7.6-42.6) NORMAL

In early August I switched from taking Axiron to injecting Test Cyp 1ml 1x every 2 weeks. I read the sticky on here and know I should have been injecting more frequently but it has been such a headache dealing with the endo office, insurance company, and pharmacy, and I figured I should just do what the Endo prescribed. I noticed that I would feel really great for about 7 days after my injection, okay for 4-5 days, and terrible for my last 2-3 days before my next injection. I just had my blood drawn again on 10/10 (about 11 days after my injection and 3 days before my next injection) and here are my results:

Testosterone, Serum (Total): 461ng/dL (Reference Range: 348-1197) NORMAL
Free Testosterone, Serum: 115pg/mL (Reference Range: 52-280) NORMAL
Estradiol (Roche ECLIA methodology): 54.2pg/mL (Reference Range: 7.6-42.6) HIGH

I've been getting pretty bad acne and have even had pilaris keratosis develop all of the sudden. I asked my Endo about injecting 1x/week and she told me that would be a good idea to level out the amount of test I'm getting and I would feel more stable (This was a little bit before my blood test). When I went to pick up my test from the pharmacy I told the pharmacist about how I was planning on using half my dose 1x per week vs using the whole bottle (1mL) every 2 weeks. He told me that the bottle I get doesn't have a preservative in it and that it would not be a good idea to use half of it and then the other half a week later. He said they have a bigger bottle with a preservative in it, but I don't know if my insurance would cover the bigger bottle and I would obviously need to get my script changed. After my recent blood test I'm pretty concerned about my Estradiol level and think some of the negative sides I've been getting could be from my high level. My questions are below:

1. Do you even need a preservative in a 1ml bottle of test to inject .5ml 1 week and then the remaining .5ml the next week?
2. Should I just start injecting 1x/week and see if this brings my Estradiol down or should I inject 1x/week and also try to get an AI from my endo (I'm going to start injecting 1x/week regardless)?

Read the Basic TRT Overview sticky thread in this forum. That will answer many of your questions. Read up on the concept of half life too.

You need to inject test cyp at least once a week. Many of us prefer twice a week.

Ask your doc to prescribe a 10ml vial of testosterone. It is a multi-use vial. You will find that it is cheaper too than getting 1ml vials/ampules.

Injecting more frequently should help level out your testosterone and estradiol levels. But if that is not enough, your next option is to start using an aromatase inhibitor.