high estrogen levels can cause acne?


New member
im on my 11 week of TEST E
two weeks ago i droped my ARIMIDEX
and now i can see that my acne is very very bad....
can it be caused by high estrogen?!
should i jump on my arimidex again?
stupid decision by me...
gonna run 0.5mg EOD its fine? for TEST E 500MG EW
when the acne should get better takes more then one week?
and another question..
this two weeks will be the last ones
i will start my PCT two weeks after the last injection
should i run ARIMIDEX for the 2 weeks that im not taking anything?!
U want to run adex up to pct. Not sure why in the hell u would stop taking it. U want to start pct 18-21 days after last pin.