High LH/FSH levels post pct


New member
Hey guys just wanted to run my post post cycle therapy (pct) numbers by you and see what you think. And I know I should have done pre cycle blood work but I always felt fine after post cycle therapy (pct) even back when running PH years ago so I thought my body responded pretty well and never really worried about blood work (I know I should have done it anyways). Long story short finished a cycle of 10 wk test cyp, 1st 5 weeks t-bol, 2nd 5 week var cycle (hcg 500mcg a week split into two doses) back around thanksgiving last year. I decided to take the advice of waiting approximately 20 days post last injection of test cyp to start my toremifene routine (have had lots of success in the past with it). Anyways completed my 4 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) and I still didn’t feel great (mid-january), lost most of my gains as well. So I ran a month of nolva 20mg/day and Adex (I think .25mg/eod) started feeling a little better but not great. I have been completely off everything for 3 weeks now and decided to get some blood work done. Kind of surprised me with the results:

Test Serum 878ng/dL
LH 19.5 mIU/mL
FSH 14.7 mIU/mL
Estradiol 31.9pg/mL

I was expecting my LH/FSH to be low or my E to be high based off my less than stellar libido, but everything looks pretty normal except my LH/FSH levels are really high. Is this my body just getting back to normal post post cycle therapy (pct) or do you think usage of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) over the course of my last few cycles has cause down regulation by my testes? Should I wait another month of essentially doing nothing and test again? If so what other tests do you think I should add to my bloodwork? Thanks