High protien diet


New member
Heya 1 and all
anyone got good suggestions on a high protien diet?? what i should and shouldnt eat, just ordered meal replacements and norateen heavyweight 2, but says keep your protien as high as possible to benefit. would should i be eating along with the meal replacements??
Your body needs protein, and lots of it. It is the building block of muscle, which is why eating a high protein diet with high protein foods is EXTREMELY important for anyone looking to increase muscle, gain weight/get big, or anyone just looking to build muscle. Without enough protein in the body, muscle mass will not increase. During your weightlifting and strength training workout, your muscles are getting broken down. In order to rebuild and repair your muscles, your body needs protein. It is as simple as that.

So now your wondering how a high protein diet can be effective for someone trying to lose weight and lose fat, right? Well, it is just as simple. Most high protein foods are extremely low in carbs and extremely low in saturated fat (which is the fat that you DON'T want to eat). Therefore, by eating a high protein diet loaded with high protein foods, at the same time you'd end up eating low carb foods and low saturated fat foods. And, if you didn't already know, in order to lose weight and lose fat, eating low carbs and eating little or no saturated fat is a MUST.

Some high protein foods are:

lean meats and beef
fish (just about every fish is high in protein, anything from tuna fish, to salmon, to shrimp)
egg whites

There are many other high protein foods, but these are the basics.
Throw some peanuts in with your meals and black beans are great for that as well. Lots of protein in each. I snack on peanuts and peanut butter sandwhichs because of the good protein and good fat. Also make sure a majority of your proteins come from food consumption and not powders, shakes and bars.
I personally think hands down the 3 best proteins for mass and just general good health are as follows:

1. salmon. Salmon is so good for mass mainly cause you can get tons or protein and loads of healthy omega-3s at the same damn time. Plus its got quite a few cals per serving.

2. eggs and egg whites. Egg white protein is the most bioavailable protein your body can injest. Its pure pleasure for building muscle. Add the yolks if your wanting more cals.

3. red meat. red meat has tons of cals and even more protein to calorie ratio than almost any other meat. Plus it has tons of natural creatine.
mad dog

:axe::axe:yeah well chicken breast is costy but works fine, eat plenty of it,also whey shakes are handy, for example I eat 800 grams of chiken breast and about 500 grams of rice everyday, it sounds boring but thats how u get things done, oh by the way I'am looking lean my body fat is 8% at 210 pouns im 5 foot 7 POWER TO THE CHICKEN !