Not taken as offensive I get what you're saying. All I can say is I don't care if it's a myth or not. Most all pro bodybuilders are eating such foods and do not stray too far off their diets. Now, I'm no pro or even close, but I figured that I may as well eat "clean." I'm a big believer of anecdotal evidence. People give me scientific backing on how to lift and to not "overtrain", and yet their deadlift is 200lbs lower than mine and their physiques are pathetic... Although, back on topic. The reason I eat clean is because if this is truly a myth and I can do IIFYM, then there will be no harm done regardless, however, if it's not a myth then I will be better off. Now look at it from the other side if I ate "dirty" foods: if it's a myth, then I'm good to go, if it's not and clean foods do promote a more anabolic environment... well then, I just fucked my gains over a little didn't I? People tell me I'm an ectomorph, so I need to make everything as on point as possible to try and pack on mass. Furthermore, I use to eat moderately clean/dirty 2 years back, as in I didn't pay attention to clean foods 100% of the time. The moment I changed up my diet to clean foods I feel more energetic, I can think more clearly, my muscles look denser/leaner, and I just feel healthier overall. Maybe it's in my mind, maybe I'm making this shit up due to a placebo effect, but I don't care. If it helps me physically or mentally, it's helping.
I set up 30/30/40 (pro/fat/carb) because I take 1.5g/BW for 300g protein (firm believer of higher protein as I have tried lower), which is ~30% of my daily calories. Then I throw in .5gfat/kg, which is about 100g fat (~25%), and the rest carbs (leaving ~45%). So I figured I'd just up the fats and lower the carbs by 5% each. I still pay attention to macros with relation to BW, and then incorporate them to the % split. I don't mean to throw it out at I'm only paying attention to the %.
Frank I'm 6'2", 19 years old. Sorry forgot those.