hit genetic limit need something more.


I am banned!
I have been training for 3 years and my gains have stalled. I am 23 5'10" and weigh 225 at 4.8% body fat. I want to add a little quality mass and want to run a cycle of anavar. What do you guys think of an anavar 8 week cycle to break this plateau?
I have been training for 3 years and my gains have stalled. I am 23 5'10" and weigh 225 at 4.8% body fat. I want to add a little quality mass and want to run a cycle of anavar. What do you guys think of an anavar 8 week cycle to break this plateau?

You have the stats of a state level bodybuilder. I call total bullshit on your bodyfat percentage, and if you are serious post a picture please. No one on this forum is that low in body fat. On top of that you weigh 225! You also can't run an oral only cycle. You need test on every cycle if you are a man.

Try again and post some real stats.
The compound you need is test e or c. You know anything about HCG, AI's, and a proper pct? Also post some pics of your god like physique so I can admire your 4.8% bf.
4.8% body fat eh?

So... You look like:



Didn't think so. I also seriously doubt you've hit your genetic limits at 23 either. Sorry to bust your balls, but it's one thing to cycle as you want more, and another because you MUST. No judgement from me on either, but I will say two things:

1. You should give it another year or two to let your body finish development. You're at the age where your brain gets the rest of the love from puberty, and it's best to let mommy nature finish that.

2. Please read the stickies that I have a feeling will be linked if tbonexl is awake. ;) These stickies will help you to understand WHY what you're proposing is a bad idea, and how to go about this properly when the time comes.
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4.8% body fat eh?

So... You look like:



Didn't think so. I also seriously doubt you've hit your genetic limits at 23 either. Sorry to bust your balls, but it's one thing to cycle as you want more, and another because you MUST. No judgement from me on either, but I will say two things:

1. You should give it another year or two to let your body finish development. You're at the age where your brain gets the rest of the love from puberty, and it's best to let mommy nature finish that.

2. Please read the stickies that I have a feeling will be linked if tbonexl is awake. ;) These stickies will help you to understand WHY what you're proposing is a bad idea, and how to go about this properly when the time comes.

And the man you posted is no where near 225 pounds. This dude is fucking nuts. Yeah you're right tbone needs to wake his ass up and post that damn sticky on here. Anyways if you insist on using try to be honest if you want help and use test only for a first run.
Those guys are holding only a little less fat than me. I read the sticky but I actually need more detailed info on how to run a good cycle.
Those guys are holding only a little less fat than me. I read the sticky but I actually need more detailed info on how to run a good cycle.

Only a little less fat? Get real bro the stats you posted are world class and you want us to believe you. I gave you advice and asked if you know what hcg, aromatase inhibitor, and proper pct is? I also told you to run test e or c.
Those guys are holding only a little less fat than me. I read the sticky but I actually need more detailed info on how to run a good cycle.

Yet another natural genetic freak who is walking around at under 5%bf like its nothing :)

Its physically impossible to be 5'10, 225lbs, 5%, only lifting for 3 years, age 23 NATURALLY - never going to happen so please stop the bullshit and learn to measure your bf properly.
I was sleeping lol. Op, I call bullshit too. 225lbs at under 5% natty is damn near impossible. Go to MySpace if you wanna bullshit people...
If I had those stats naturally I would never even take aas at 225 5%bf so normal weight at 10%bf around 240 lbs. at 5' 10 theres no way.
I'm not comfortable posting pictures here. I just want cycle advice and it really isn't proper to question me like this

This basically confirms that your talking shit, otherwise you would be more than willing to show off what you've achieved.
IMO, if your full of shit on 1 thing your probably full of shit about other stuff too :)

Read the stickies if you want to learn how to cycle properly.
Anyways, I just wanted information. I dont feel right posting a pic on a forum I am sure you understand. I read the sticky and I can't get any hcg. Is it necessary?

Damn it! I TOLD him to stop using MY pics and saying they were his own pics! 3J will vouch for me, right? 3J? Hello?

EDIT: But seriously, he is all natural? He is certainly a freak of nature! WOW!!! I don't want to be that muscular (and my wife does not want me to be either), but Jesus, that is a LOT of work even if using AAS...but if 100% natural, YIKES!
Anyways, I just wanted information. I dont feel right posting a pic on a forum I am sure you understand. I read the sticky and I can't get any hcg. Is it necessary?

Post some pics with your head cropped out of them. Even Windows Paint can be used to do that and it comes free with every version of Windows since before you were born.
Damn it! I TOLD him to stop using MY pics and saying they were his own pics! 3J will vouch for me, right? 3J? Hello?

EDIT: But seriously, he is all natural? He is certainly a freak of nature! WOW!!! I don't want to be that muscular (and my wife does not want me to be either), but Jesus, that is a LOT of work even if using AAS...but if 100% natural, YIKES!

Lol no, that guy is not natty by a long shot. The first one, before my edit took is though. I was just happy to have the opportunity to bust that out as I really get tired of hearing guys claim sub-10% body fat, which as you know is very difficult to reach and maintain. ;)