hit genetic limit need something more.

Apart from all the bullshit --- either way you DONT hit your genetic limit at only 23 years old!
How do you accurately measure fat%? Seriously though I came for info and this forum seems like a good one. I am using a grip machine from my gym to measure. I read up and got some good info from the sticky. I will run test e at 500mg and arimidex. I will run hcg, nolva and clomid for pct. Does this seem like a good cycle?
grip machine? on what body part?
What most are saying, politely is, you are to young for aas. period. Let yourself eat, mature and keep up the hard work. Two years from now, you'll thank
these guys for the very good advice. Then, if you really feel the need and have done some thinking/reading/learning, you'll find aas or you won't. Either way,
it'll be better.
I have one of those grip machine electronic BF measuring devices.. Paid $45 for it.. What a waste of money., it consistently tells me I'm 7%,,, I bought a $6 caliper, take measurements in seven places, I enter in info for calculations,, it tells me I'm 13%.... Big difference !

But a little bit of common sense and you'd know your not 4.8 %.. You can't walk around and live and breath on a day to day basis at 4%
Lol no, that guy is not natty by a long shot. The first one, before my edit took is though. I was just happy to have the opportunity to bust that out as I really get tired of hearing guys claim sub-10% body fat, which as you know is very difficult to reach and maintain. ;)

I know it was hard to get down to under 15%...and I was done cutting, no more, I needed to change to a bulk or else I would have gone mad!
I know it was hard to get down to under 15%...and I was done cutting, no more, I needed to change to a bulk or else I would have gone mad!

Yeah... I've been contemplating on giving in and just going balls to the wall bulking for a few months. I know I personally have around 10lbs to go, but it's really psychologically painful to see those reps become harder and harder as your body just can't do the same amount of work on far less calories.

That, and there's this cocky little mother f'er strutting around my gym like he's hot shit. I normally don't give two shits about dudes getting their training in; but when you follow my routine and try to one-up me while I'm 2000 calories short AND did an hour of cardio in the morning?! Ohhh hell no. I think it's time to follow him around and triple his weight WITH proper form. ;) (hmm, I must be on tren or something...)

I think that's why I get irritated when I see claims of crazy low bf at high body weight. I've been killing myself 7 days a week, watching every macro and calorie with an electron microscope, been hopped up like the energizer bunny on crack, and all just to have that distinction - to be recognized as one hard ass mofo that busts his ass because he can. People claiming it non-chalantly just kind of cheapens it I think. ESPECIALLY when the natty card is pulled. :axe:

This post may or may not have been the product of a carbohydrate fueled temporary moment of candor. :wiggle:
Damn it! I TOLD him to stop using MY pics and saying they were his own pics! 3J will vouch for me, right? 3J? Hello?

EDIT: But seriously, he is all natural? He is certainly a freak of nature! WOW!!! I don't want to be that muscular (and my wife does not want me to be either), but Jesus, that is a LOT of work even if using AAS...but if 100% natural, YIKES!

Genetic potential reached in 3 years of natty training.


Just so we all know, that you know... we know... that you know... you're full of shit. Srs.

Too bad you don't get second chances at first impressions.