i dont feel ive gained any fat or its just at minimal.
been eating 100% clean no weight gainers. eating at 500 cal above maintainence doing a personally modoified arnolds split routines [workout for an 1 hr 15 eat for a hour and do another 1hr 15min sesh]
Im taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and prami
Im stuck now cos i got blood tested before cycle and it came back borderline low. im pretty sure im at my genetic potential now and i still got 15 weeks left on cycle... its already became obvious at the gym im on something. i dont want to be that guy that blows up gets massive then shrinks down lol
my libidos been through the roof yesterday i found out i was attracted to this PT chick at the gym with squatters legs! fark getting boners in the car n shit
my cycle is
590mg Tren-E week
480mg test-E week
50mg Dbol ED
View attachment 547364
edit: started my cycle at 75.. was 9 days after i finished DNP
been eating 100% clean no weight gainers. eating at 500 cal above maintainence doing a personally modoified arnolds split routines [workout for an 1 hr 15 eat for a hour and do another 1hr 15min sesh]
Im taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and prami
Im stuck now cos i got blood tested before cycle and it came back borderline low. im pretty sure im at my genetic potential now and i still got 15 weeks left on cycle... its already became obvious at the gym im on something. i dont want to be that guy that blows up gets massive then shrinks down lol
my libidos been through the roof yesterday i found out i was attracted to this PT chick at the gym with squatters legs! fark getting boners in the car n shit
my cycle is
590mg Tren-E week
480mg test-E week
50mg Dbol ED
View attachment 547364
edit: started my cycle at 75.. was 9 days after i finished DNP