holy shite trens insane!! + pictures only 10 days in.. 7.5 kg gains so far..


New member
i dont feel ive gained any fat or its just at minimal.
been eating 100% clean no weight gainers. eating at 500 cal above maintainence doing a personally modoified arnolds split routines [workout for an 1 hr 15 eat for a hour and do another 1hr 15min sesh]
Im taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and prami

Im stuck now cos i got blood tested before cycle and it came back borderline low. im pretty sure im at my genetic potential now and i still got 15 weeks left on cycle... its already became obvious at the gym im on something. i dont want to be that guy that blows up gets massive then shrinks down lol

my libidos been through the roof yesterday i found out i was attracted to this PT chick at the gym with squatters legs! fark getting boners in the car n shit

my cycle is

590mg Tren-E week
480mg test-E week
50mg Dbol ED

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edit: started my cycle at 75.. was 9 days after i finished DNP
it's def the d bol the tren hasn't even hit yet but when it does you will know. tren e takes about 4 weeks for me to really start feeling it and then come the sides. Enjoy the ride
it's def the d bol the tren hasn't even hit yet but when it does you will know. tren e takes about 4 weeks for me to really start feeling it and then come the sides. Enjoy the ride

I just finished week 4 on it and started in first shot of week 5.
No sides, and actually no strength gains that peolple talk about.
If anything Ive gotten a bit weaker, but Im dieting down so maybe thats why.
You should start feeling it real soon but not everybody gets the sides. First sign of sides for me is increased aggression and light night sweats, also i just get this empowering feeling that I'm superhuman or something tren can mess with your mind to man. How much are you running?
You should start feeling it real soon but not everybody gets the sides. First sign of sides for me is increased aggression and light night sweats, also i just get this empowering feeling that I'm superhuman or something tren can mess with your mind to man. How much are you running?

i was running 400mg/wk. I decided to kick it up to 500mg this week.
If I wanted I could even go 600 a week. I have enough, but I dont wanna waste to much since Im only trying to cut. Im on enough shit as it is right now anyway lol.
I'm going into week 3 of Tren E 200mg a week I'm a scaredy cat I guess plus Test500 500mg a week and not sure what's causing it but my libido is also increased shit will hit the ceiling lol you guys think 4 weeks before Tren e kicks in ? 6"3 225lbs
hahahaah about the underwear comment!!

yeah tren-e will take a tad longer...pretty good dose though..should see some good results..wonder how the sides will be!