Hot Seat: ESPN, Lebron, Stephen Davis, Team Priest


New member
I'll tell you i was sick and had to stay home last night, so i got my fill of ESPN.........Just want to get some feedback.......A lot of their stuff is hype relative to the topic especially with Lebron James.....I saw Clevland play at Arco against the kings and i will admit Lebron shocked me.....He has a complete game but he has not faced a tough defence like the Lakers, Nets or Spurs.......He is great but they were saying he is above Kobe, Garnett as far as those out of high school......I hope they have not spoken to soon.........

They had Stephen Davis on the Budweiser Hotseat........Btw that is the best aquisition of any team him going to the Panthers.....They have a solid team that will get better......Anyway, the first question they asked is did Spurrier know how to use him??? He just laughed.....

Priest Holmes and KC the best team in the NFL........I loved their commentary on the Buffalo game........Priest reversed the field and Sean Salisbury and the black dude go (Their is a GGGGGOD and i am here to Praise!!!!!! his name)....That is the funniest shit i ever heard.....

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
If he stays healthy, I think the kid could be the best. Let's see if he can turn the Cavs around like Jordan did to the Bulls, Bird to Celtics, etc. Furthermore, I hope his mother chokes on a chicken wing. People on welfare shouldn't be buying hummers as birthday gifts for their children.
If i am not mistaken he is 6.8 and 248 pds....You are exactly right let's see if he can be like Bird or Jorden but they are already as i said saying he started better than Garnett and Kobe and they are not too shabby either......
I think Lebron will do pretty good, but shit, hes only played one exhibition game....give the kid some time before we all say that hes like Jordan...
Yea looks awsome....but you know what Im saying.....anyone can start good....hopefully he will be what we all want him to be....but then if he scored 9 points tonight, everyone will be talking about what a flop he is....yet still.....its only his second game!
I think so but have not heard from him in a while......I need to check the news to see if Lebron and his team won last night???
Kemp has something like 11 kids from 9 women. Let's see if any of the high schoolers can beat that record.