How About This First Stack?


New member
Bros, new to the board - this is gonna be my first (and last?) stack:

Dbol @ 30mg/4wks
EQ @ 400mg/8wks
Sust @ 500mg/8wks

Nolvadex on hand and maybe 25mg EOD of Proviron.

post cycle therapy (pct) - Clomid - 300mg day 1, 100mg days 2-11, 50mg days 12-21, 3 wks after last shot.

Min 4000 calorie/350g protein diet.

Im 27, 6'5, 210lbs high metabolism, v. low bodyfat, athletic build, been lifting weights for 7 years on and off and REALLY struggling to add more muscle - feel I've reached genetic peak. Want to add (or should I say KEEP!) 15-20lbs solid muscle post cycle and not planning on using steroids regularly so want to make the most of this cycle.

What do you think? Any useful recommendations before I commit would be really appreciated, esp on reducing sides and best post cycle therapy (pct) procedure.

i would use single ester over Sustanon (sust), personally. however,you will grow from Sustanon (sust) just fine. i would however run both eq and Sustanon (sust) longer than 8 weeks.
...this is gonna be my first (and last?) stack... not planning on using steroids regularly...
Good luck with that. Most guys who come in with that attitude end up using steroids for years. Just so you know.

Cycle plan looks good, but I would bump cals to 5000+/day due to your size and high metabolism. And maybe consider deca-durabolin instead of eq since you are running 8wks...

You probably still have more to learn though: What size pins will you use to draw? To shoot? Where and how do you inject? Weekly or biweekly injects? Do you want creatine/glutamine during post cycle therapy (pct)? How do you train and eat during PCT?.... just some food for thought.

Way to do some research :cool:... and thanks for not just showing up with the "teach me everything" attitude some guys have.
Thanks Bro - 4K calories is a min - I'll just eat what I can stomach over that. Got pins etc figured out and will dose bi-weekly EQ & Sustanon (sust) together.

Am going to do creatine cycle and 30mg Glutamine post cycle for 6 weeks and slowly reduce carbs back to normal, maintain protein and cut with ECA stack and just hope it stays on!

What do you think on that?

Have you ever used Proviron during your cycle?
Thanks Bro - 4K calories is a min - I'll just eat what I can stomach over that. Got pins etc figured out and will dose bi-weekly EQ & Sustanon (sust) together.

Am going to do creatine cycle and 30mg Glutamine post cycle for 6 weeks and slowly reduce carbs back to normal, maintain protein and cut with ECA stack and just hope it stays on!

What do you think on that?

Have you ever used Proviron during your cycle?

30mgs glutamine?:rolleyes:
It sounds a little low dosage...:p