To begin with, I'm not a big eater. My diet consists of mostly chicken breast (probably 80% of my protein intake, 10% red meat, 10%, grains, etc), since I can't stand the smell of fish/seafood. I take an Omega-3 supplement once a day (600 EPA/240DHA), to fill in for some of the nutrients lost becasuse of this. In addition, I eat alot of raw fruits, vegetables, or anything thats as natuural as possible. I'm not a super huge health nut, but being 33 and seeing that my weight hasn't dropped off as quickly as it did when I was younger, I watch what I eat and have been back to working out a few months ago..Most of the time, I'm not hungry in the morning, and soemtimes even have the opposite of the normal urge to eat (@ least 5/7 days) when I wake up in the morning..On a really physically busy day, I struggle to get down 2 decent size chicken breats, along with the rest of my diet (see above for the rest, just spread out throughout the day)..MY main junkfood intake is (mostly) limited to some cereal and skim milk for my first meal (which is usually after being awake for 2 to 3 hours), and it may be a "healthier" cereal like Honey Bunches of Oats, of a crappy cereal, like Cap'n Crunch. Am I perfectly good, everday single day without any junkfoo? No, but I don't eat junkfood everyday (3/7 days a week), and when I dao, I try not to go over what the label says is 10-20 percent of the daily recommemded fat intake for an avarage adult. I figure this keeps my daily fat intake to 75 % or less a day of the average recommended guidelines. I do drink soda, Usually 44 ounces a day, 5-6 days a week, with one of those days being up to 60 ounces (pepsi, usually, which I know converts into carbs, which converts into fat). I usually drink the soda after my workout, lasting until 10-11 p.m. I workout around 3 p.m -, for about 45 mins to an hour, 5 or 6 days a week. Reason for working our around this timeframe is because I have kids, a nine yr old and a 18 omnth old, who will not let me get much of anything done before then, so I havew to wait until the babysitter picks them up, or the little one is asleep for an afternoon nap. Immediately after working out, I try to eat piece of whole grain white bread, and 2 medium-large size fruits (for complex carbs), as well as drink a BCAA drink, and 24 - 30 grams chicken breast (fat/skin removed) / or / 24-30 grams lean cold cuts/ lean beef. Since I have to work until 11pm/12 am, i don't aibde by the rule of thumb about not eating after 6/7 pm. I may well eat up until 1 to 3 in the morning, since I don't go to sleep until 2 to 4 in the morning (sometiimes as late as 4:30 am) oh, and I forgot, I also eat, as my junkfood, a pack of poptarts one or two days a week, on average, after I get home from work, if i'm watching some tv (being sedentary)... I have a hard time putting muscle on as well now (as I do losing weight), so that brings me to my question.. (One more thing, I recently had some blood work done, and my test level was a bit under 200, or something close to that, according to the VA doc, so he's putting me on a test . supplement) The little food that I do eat, seems to fill me up almost completely, and the chicken breast /protein source that I do mange to get down, is something that I mostly have to force my self to eat, as I'm just not hungry enough to be able to eat.. I understand that putting on mass (good muscle mass) goes hand in hand with my diet, so what can I do to increase my appetite (which will, in turn, help me put on some muscle)?
F.Y.I. I'm 33 y/o, 5'10", 197 lbs
Thanks for any info
F.Y.I. I'm 33 y/o, 5'10", 197 lbs
Thanks for any info