How do I get my chick preggers now?


I am banned!
Been blasting and c***sing for I think a little over two years now. I wanna get my chick pregnant, what would the regimen be for this?

I was guessing hCG + HMG. But, how essential is the HMG? It's a tad bit pricey, and if I could get away with just hcg obviously I will try that first before ordering the HMG.

edit: I really dont know why part of the word in cruising is censored. I think that's a mistake.
Exact TRT compounds and doses, time since last cycle, what was the cycle and do you have any labs. Had a sperm inspection?

There are several weird words censored. I yiubread around you'll notice experienced memebrs "s p a c I n g" words out. There is a logic behind it I just dont know the reason.
Exact TRT compounds and doses, time since last cycle, what was the cycle and do you have any labs. Had a sperm inspection?

There are several weird words censored. I yiubread around you'll notice experienced memebrs "s p a c I n g" words out. There is a logic behind it I just dont know the reason.

I honestly didn't think that stuff mattered too much, my bad.

125mg Test-U once a week, I haven't done a blast in like... 8-10 months? Been a while. I don't have labs on-hand, but I got them a couple months ago and everything was normal except for my FSH and LH of course, sitting at a measly <0.1. Estradiol was good, test at 900 ng/dl etc. I don't use hCG.

Last blast was 500mg test 500mg deca EW with a tbol kickstart.

No sperm inspection as I already know the counts are virtually zero, hence FSH and LH <0.1.
And with that info I'll wait with you for the experienced guys and sponsor docs to chime in. :-)

Raising both LH and FSH is mentioned in fertility. How you get your body to release them or using hCG/hMG to mimic them is above me.

I recently read a paper about anastrozole and it increased both but it was being used alone. It would lower estrogen and cause the body to start the process. PCT drugs make your brain think estrogen is low and start up the system of production.
And with that info I'll wait with you for the experienced guys and sponsor docs to chime in. :-)

Raising both LH and FSH is mentioned in fertility. How you get your body to release them or using hCG/hMG to mimic them is above me.

I recently read a paper about anastrozole and it increased both but it was being used alone. It would lower estrogen and cause the body to start the process. PCT drugs make your brain think estrogen is low and start up the system of production.

hCG serves the same function as LH, which will stimulate your Leydig cells to produce sperm. HMG increases FSH, which increases sperm motility. HOWEVER, this is just stuff I have read across forums and reddit. As a result I am not entirely sure if it's accurate. So yeah, waiting for the docs to come in.

I have read similar stuff to what you are talking about regarding the PCT drugs. However, I think those drugs are nasty as fuck and I want to avoid them if I can get away with it.
Taking arimidex while I am currently c***sing would crash my estrogen. I've had crashed estrogen before, it's hell haha. But apparently Clomid increases fertility, so, again, I'm in the dark and want to clarify what the right course is. In the meantime, nutting in my fiance nonstop which doesn't seem to be working.
Leydig cells don't produce sperm.

From a fertility clinic copy and paste

Sperm are initially formed in small microscopic tubes within the testicle called seminiferous tubules. As an organ, the testicle is designed to produce two things: sperm and testosterone or T; (the male sex hormone). Hence, the cell population inside the testicle is composed of three basic types of cells:

Germ cells=sperm producing cells
Sertoli cells=nursing cells that foster the growth and development of immature/early stage sperm
Leydig cells =testosterone producing cells

The primary impulse for the testicle to produce both testosterone and sperm actually originates from the brain, and specifically the pituitary gland. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are released from the pituitary into the blood and trigger sperm and testosterone development, respectively. Testosterone is immediately released into the blood and is readily available for use.

Once sperm cells are made, they begin the long process of maturation, which takes, on average, 72 days to complete. This concept plays a central role in defining therapy for men with fertility issues. The fact that men produce millions of new sperm every day makes it highly beneficial to men who want to alter their lifestyle habits. Knowing that sperm take about 72 days to*mature, men who do make lifestyle changes only need to wait about 3 months before seeing improvements in sperm quality and increasing your chance for reproductive success.

The maturation process for sperm continues as they wind their way through the seminiferous tubules and into a slender, worm-like appendage outside the testicle called the epididymis. This gland, in turn, becomes the vas deferens"
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When googling look for studies, hospitals and articles with references to the same. Forums and Reddit and such are good for info but always try to find the source.
There was another thread recently just like this, might be able to search it up. Seemed to me like your choices were to come off and PCT, or try to stay on and find a way to boost sperm production.

I know the HMG is pricey, but is probably your best choice if you stay on since it contains FSH. For either scenario I'd get a bunch of HCG and start taking it at pretty heavy dosing, like at least 500 IU EOD.
500iu 2x week of hcg worked for this guy. Hmg was my backup plan but I didn't need it. Also stuck with my normal TRTdoseage.

You will need to give it some time. I've read that spirm cells take about 3 months to grow.
Sperm grow up waiting in line for their turn on the space shot! Something around 17-21 days. I copied a testicle thing in another thread. We are like belt fed shotguns.

I mixed months thread titles with the guy who just found out his wife's pregnant.

And I misquoted my own source posted just above. :-(
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lots of good advice here, when do you plan on doing bloods again? how are you going to proceed with your sperm production?
Give it some time.

For humans, the entire process of spermatogenesis is variously estimated as taking 74 days[5][6] (according to tritium-labelled biopsies) and approximately 120 days[7] (according to DNA clock measurements). Including the transport on ductal system, it takes 3 months. Testes produce 200 to 300 million spermatozoa daily.[8] However, only about half or 100 million of these become viable sperm.[9]