how do u dose GHRP_6 5mg or GHRP-2 & CJC ? Can u explain it in simple terms

Mr P

Super Moderator
I've been asking, researching on how to properly pin GHRP6, yes I can Google the calculator" but for those that can't understand it, How is suppose to be mixed & pinned ? What is the right dose ? Here's an example I found

As for GHRPs, 2 & 6 (5mg), Hex or Imp (2mg)

constitute with 2Ml Bac water you can run 125mcg 4X
or 250 mcg 2X

CJC's constitute with 2Ml Bac water you can run .50 mcg 4X
or 100 mcg 2X
if i say 1 ml you add 1ml to your 5mg powder in the vial

then you'll have a ratio of 5mg/1ml == 5mg : 1ml ... then you break it down:
(sometimes you write ug instead of mcg and uL instead of mcL)
5000mcg : 1000mcL
now we know that our syringe holds 1ml... which is 100 IU , 10IU is then 1/10ml means 100mcL

there you go: if 5000mcg is dissolved in 1000mcL then how much is dissolved in 100mcL? right 500mcg
1 IU is 1/10 of 10IU ... there you go..
if 500mcg is dissolved in 100mcL then how much is dissolved in 10mcL?
right... 50mcg in 10mcL == 50mcg per 1IU

i pulled this from an other board
if i say 1 ml you add 1ml to your 5mg powder in the vial

then you'll have a ratio of 5mg/1ml == 5mg : 1ml ... then you break it down:
(sometimes you write ug instead of mcg and uL instead of mcL)
5000mcg : 1000mcL
now we know that our syringe holds 1ml... which is 100 IU , 10IU is then 1/10ml means 100mcL

there you go: if 5000mcg is dissolved in 1000mcL then how much is dissolved in 100mcL? right 500mcg
1 IU is 1/10 of 10IU ... there you go..
if 500mcg is dissolved in 100mcL then how much is dissolved in 10mcL?
right... 50mcg in 10mcL == 50mcg per 1IU

i pulled this from an other board

good post.
i might try this out soone from purchespeptides, but im just soo in love with igf1lr3 i havent tryed it yet lol
I like cytos 1/10 conversion. thats how i do it.

so if its 2mg bottle then i know its 2,000mcg per 2ml or 1,000mcg per ml if i add 2ml's

so in that case, 10 units is 100mcg, since 10 units is a 1/10 of a ml

with 5mg bottle, add 2 mls and now you you have 2500mcg per ml

so 10 units is 250mcg and 5 is 125mcg

I pin 100mcg of each, as soon as i wake up and dont eat for an hour

then PWO i pin 100mcg of each, still no eating for an hour

right before bed i pin 100mcg of each, this has been working great for me.

when i add the water i let it run down the inside/side of the bottle, so it doesnt fizz

then i store in fridge.

love the stuff, but I would not do just one or the other, seems pointless to me, gotta have a GHRH and a GHRP

you body regulates GH production with a blocker. 1 of these blocks that blocker and the other stimulates the production
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if i say 1 ml you add 1ml to your 5mg powder in the vial

then you'll have a ratio of 5mg/1ml == 5mg : 1ml ... then you break it down:
(sometimes you write ug instead of mcg and uL instead of mcL)
5000mcg : 1000mcL
now we know that our syringe holds 1ml... which is 100 IU , 10IU is then 1/10ml means 100mcL

there you go: if 5000mcg is dissolved in 1000mcL then how much is dissolved in 100mcL? right 500mcg
1 IU is 1/10 of 10IU ... there you go..
if 500mcg is dissolved in 100mcL then how much is dissolved in 10mcL?
right... 50mcg in 10mcL == 50mcg per 1IU

i pulled this from an other board

This is great information and very easy for beginners to understand.
Good Thread Mr P... This will help many understand how to dose correctly.

I've seen how good this is working for u...
GHRP-6 ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!
if i say 1 ml you add 1ml to your 5mg powder in the vial

then you'll have a ratio of 5mg/1ml == 5mg : 1ml ... then you break it down:
(sometimes you write ug instead of mcg and uL instead of mcL)
5000mcg : 1000mcL
now we know that our syringe holds 1ml... which is 100 IU , 10IU is then 1/10ml means 100mcL

there you go: if 5000mcg is dissolved in 1000mcL then how much is dissolved in 100mcL? right 500mcg
1 IU is 1/10 of 10IU ... there you go..
if 500mcg is dissolved in 100mcL then how much is dissolved in 10mcL?
right... 50mcg in 10mcL == 50mcg per 1IU

i pulled this from an other board


I plan on doing a GHRP-6 CJC-1295 mix up as part of my recovery process.
I am thinking of running peptides with my Tren E and Test E cycle. I hope it works out. i need to still do more research.
If I add 2.5ml of solution to 5mg of GHRP-6
I get 5mg GHRP =5,000 mcg
5,000 mcg/100mcg = 50 100mcg GHRP doses per 5mg vial
SO MY QUESTION IS WITH A 100U INSULIN SYRINGE HOW DO I MEASURE OUT 100mcg on it? Please be detailed on the answer. People are saying 2-3 marks on the syringe is 100mcg, really that little. Please help. What is a freaking mark? on a 100 unit insulin syringe?
If I add 2.5ml of solution to 5mg of GHRP-6
I get 5mg GHRP =5,000 mcg
5,000 mcg/100mcg = 50 100mcg GHRP doses per 5mg vial
SO MY QUESTION IS WITH A 100U INSULIN SYRINGE HOW DO I MEASURE OUT 100mcg on it? Please be detailed on the answer. People are saying 2-3 marks on the syringe is 100mcg, really that little. Please help. What is a freaking mark? on a 100 unit insulin syringe?

When I use the "Peptide Calculator" and enter in what you say - 5mg and add 2.5ml Bac Water, it tells me that a 100mcg dose is 5iu's or the 3rd TICK MARK (actually it would be between the 2nd and 3rd tick mark)

So, look at your insulin needle and you will see it is 1cc which is equal to 100 units. It will have 50 TICK MARKS which means each tick mark represents 2 units. 5 "tick marks" would bring you to the 10 line which is 10 units. So again, going to your above dosage, you want between the 2nd and 3rd tick mark. Drawing an "in between tick mark" dosage can be tricky so if you went with 2ml BW, every 4iu's would be 100mcg, so you would just draw up to the 2nd tick mark instead of in between two.
Don't let the amount puzzle you because yes, it really is that little of an amount that you inject ;)
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I hear that your supposed to feel extreme hunger using GHRP-6 right? I have had 3 injections so far and not felt any increase in appetite at all, even after leaving it for up to an hour after injection post work out instead of 25 minutes. Nor in the morning after the night shot. Is there something Im missing or am I just lucky? All I want is to see results, so I guess I will have to wait a few weeks to know if it's doing anything or not..

I have a 5mg vial, mixed with 2ml. Dosage is drawn to the 4th mark.
Now as far as dosing goes you should be using 100mcg of each three times a day.

100mcg is the saturation dose for these. That means that if you use 200mcg you won't get twice the gh output. The returns become diminished the higher the dose goes. It will also cause down regulation of receptors much fast and produce sides ( prolactin, cortisol).

At 100mcg each of ghrp/ghrh you will create a gh pulse higher than RhGH will. It will peak in one hour and decline to zero after about two hours. Gh usually cause a spike that will peak around 4 to 5 hours.

IMO these gh secreatauges(sp) should be used long term like gh. For ghrh I prefer mod grf. For the ghrp, I use ghrp6 for the benefit of increased appetite but after some time you can start to notice the down regulation where you might not feel that flushing feeling you once got. At that point I switch ghrp. All are interchangeable and typically you should use the one that best fits your needs. Hexarilin is by far the strongest of the ghrp's but also down regulates faster and causes the most sides. So I use ghrp6 the bulk of the time, then I will switch it for ghrp2 for about a week to change. I will also use hex pwo sometimes for the extra gh output or will use hex for a week then go back to ghrp6.

It's good to take a day off weekly and allow your body to have it's own pulses. For long term use, IMO, mod grf and ipamorelin is the best combination. Ipam is the weakest of the ghrp's but it won't down regulate or cause sides so its easy on your body and will produce results.
so I'm using too much..? I should only measure up to the 2nd mark, 3 times a day. I haven't used anything before so I'm not sure what to expect. I certainly don't feel any flushing, hunger or any difference at all.
When I use the "Peptide Calculator" and enter in what you say - 5mg and add 2.5ml Bac Water, it tells me that a 100mcg dose is 5iu's or the 3rd TICK MARK (actually it would be between the 2nd and 3rd tick mark)

So, look at your insulin needle and you will see it is 1cc which is equal to 100 units. It will have 50 TICK MARKS which means each tick mark represents 2 units. 5 "tick marks" would bring you to the 10 line which is 10 units. So again, going to your above dosage, you want between the 2nd and 3rd tick mark. Drawing an "in between tick mark" dosage can be tricky so if you went with 2ml BW, every 4iu's would be 100mcg, so you would just draw up to the 2nd tick mark instead of in between two.
Don't let the amount puzzle you because yes, it really is that little of an amount that you inject ;)

My pins are 100 tick marks, 10 ticks in between 10, 20, 30, etc. This is where the calculator confuses people, it does not have a 100 tick mark option, so if you have a 100 tick pin, just change the volume to .5ml and the math will be correct...