How do you prep your meals?

I cook all my meals on Sundays also, I weigh and portion it all for the week. My chicken is cooked plain also (my co-worker thinks it I am crazy to not add seasonings but I don't need seasoning, I have my veggies for that.

I am carb cycling and only do brown rice and whole wheat pastas on my run days so my rice/pasta gets cooked the evening before. Eggs and oatmeal are the only things I do cook every morning.

My diet is very simple and works for me... I have been incoporating alot more fruits and veggies on my carb load days, it seems to be helping me when I run (more energy).
I used to cook my egg beaters on sunday, make my breakfasts for the week, and freeze them. Then i just warm them up in the microwave at work

more free time in the morning
Exactly, if you can't enjoy life then who cares how the fuck long it lasts... I'd :Puke: trying to eat that much plain chicken, gross.

Apparently, that is one difference between you and I.

I enjoy what I eat because it serves a bigger more important purpose to me.
For those of you out there with hectic schedules like mine, you can prep full meals (chicken breast, fish, veggies, etc) in steamer bags in under 10 mins and it's perfect every time. You can get the bags from any grocery store. A real time saver and a great way to eat fresh hot meals. Cheers!