How do you think I should run my cycle


New member
What's up everybody,

This is gonna be my 3rd cycle that I'm going to be running
I need input oh how to run this cycle the right way

I have

3 bottles of test 400
3 bottles of deca

I also have pct on hand

My current stats
I'm 25
175 pounds
Not sure on BF but I'm pretty lean.

I was thinking on running the cycle this way

Shooting up on

Tues with with 250mg of deca and test

And then on Thurs 500mg of test

And then finish of with pct

Please let me know your input thank you
No mention of an AI or dopamine agonist. Might want to pick those up before you start. I'd also recommend going higher than 250mg/wk with the deca, unless you're just looking for joint relief.

The bro-science stating you have to run 2x the test (if that's the logic here) is invalid if you simply control E2 and prolactin. I wouldn't go any lower than 400mg/wk with the deca and no less than 12 weeks. I find 14-16 weeks better, but you do have to bear in mind that 19-nors can make recovery more difficult.

My .02c :)
25 and already on your third cycle! I see TRT in your near future.

Don't believe in Aromatase Inhibitors or Dopamine Agonists?

What do you have on hand for PCT and how will you use it?

It would help if you listed out your detailed previous cycles.