how does my cycle look esp pct?


New member
I'm 30yo 6.5 235 been lifting on and off for about 12 years this is the cycle I've put together critique if necessary please
Gw 20mg a day
Modgrf ipam prtocol
T3 Ed start 25mg may bump to 50
Aromasin ed increase if nips sensitive
Prami .1 a day if needed
Week1-8 Tren 350 50/day week 2 maybe bump 60 week 4 maybe to 70?
Week 1-10 Prop 250 35/day
Week 1-10 Mast 350 50/day week 2 maybe bump 60mg week 4 maybe 75 creep towards 100 mg
Anavar 80 mg/day weeks 6-10
Clomid 100/75/50/50/25/25
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20
Aromasin 25/12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5
Osta 10mg first 4weeks of pct
Hcg 250iu every 3 days on cycle

Might increase the cycle by 2 weeks what do you guys think?
I like aromasin on pct if clomid is high. Can help mitigate high e2 from the clomid

And right....isnt osta supresive?
Yeah I was thinking maybe I should adjust the dosage of the aromasin as well... Just not exactly sure in what way...I was under the impression that osta was suppressive after 4 weeks...but that's part of the reason why I extended the pct to 6 weeks and was planning on dosing at only 10 mg still a no go?