How does the 2nd cycle look? Prop/var


New member
Going to be starting 2nd cycle soon, looking for some criticism if needed.


Test prop and var cycle. Looking to add lean gains and drop some bf. Running this 10-12 weeks. Prop 150mg EOD. Adding the var in at mid cycle for 5 weeks @ 50mg ED (or 6 depending on 10-12 weeks)

PCT will be nolva/clomid one week after last pin. CLO 50/50/25/25 and Nolva 40/40/20/20

General questions would be: How does mg dosage EOD and running the var at the end and not throughout.

Clean plentiful diet of course.

That's a badass cycle bro. Ppl bash var but me personally love it. I have done one test p 100mg eod and 50 mg var ed. And had great results. I gained 10-12 lbs lean muscle. Did clomid and Nova post cycle therapy (pct). Currently am waiting for my second cycle to come in. Really similar to yours.
Test p 125mg EOD. 12 weeks
Var 50mg ed 10 weeks
Masterson p 50 mg EOD last 6 weeks
Aromasin .25 ed
Clomid and nolva pct
Clen/t3 cycled thruought
This is my pre competition cycle. I'm 6'2 210 11%bf as of now. Will get down to 6-7%. All about diet and hard training. And diet lol.
As for your question is do 12 weeks test and 10 Anavar (var). Starting the var your second week. Remember to include liver support in your cycle.
Thanks for the reply T. I was thinking running the prop 10 weeks.. You suggest 12 and Anavar for 10 weeks? Itll be my second cycle. My first was Test E only for 12 weeks. Ive heard different on longevity of prop.. some 8, some 10, some 12.

Maybe for my third Ill look into mast p as well. What can you expect from mast p?

I also have some arimidex on hand.