How good does tren reduce bodyfat

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go big or go home

im 5'7 180 doign 1-10 week sus 500 and week 4-10 tren e. i wanna but on muscle mass but try to loose some body fat at the same time. right now im at 14% b/f. how much can the tren help shred me up? wut b/f percentage do u think i can go down to. im takign in 180+ a day protien and lots of carbs and calories even though i no thats gonan help me lose the weight. The most important thing for me is size gains so im gonna keep eating. my ? is while doign that diet will i still lose b/f% from he tren
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Tren does not cause fat loss, NO steroid does!! Weight loss is caused by diet /cardio and WEIGH LOSS drugs eg. Clen/T3/DNP etc. You can lose weigh and cut up with Anadrol if you want, it all matters on your diet and training.
Some steroids (tren, var, winny) will help trim a little fat off of you, but this amount is very minimal. I wouldn't count on anything above 1% loss in fat. It has a lot more to do with cardio/diet.
my freind was fat and after his tren cycle he lost his tities and had a solid chest. his stomch went down alot and and everythign on him blew up/ his shoulders looked sick.
one thing i nopticed in the way that are going to do your cycle is that you are doing tren e for only 6 weeks, that is to short becuase enanthate ester is and takes 3-4 weeks to reach opt levels, also sus 250 needs to be taken eod or e3d at the longest becuase of the short esters in it, only taking 500 mg of sus is going to have your hormone level like a roller coaster, bad idea, that is the reason i stick with either test e or c. also no gear makes you loose weight, they help the thing with tren though there is no amortization like test so it does not make you hold water like test
If your diet and training are on point you'll lose fat. But from my exp. you will lose more fat with the tren than without. If you diet and training are shit tren wont make a bit of difference.
go big or go home said:
im 5'7 180 ....i wanna ... try to loose some body fat

Regarding tren and bf% .... it works for me. I think its something about the 120 bbm resting pulse.
Niclipse said:
i thought there was already a proven article posted saying that the only two steroids that actually burn fat are tren and ana Anavar (var) .

I dunno about the article, but tren, Anavar (var) and Winstrol (winny) are all linked to some fatloss. It's just that guys expect to take these steroids and get "ripped" when this is clearly not the case.
It will up your body temp cause more fat loss, but i see a more hardening of the muscle and super strength gain later. Like other said, its mostly diet and where your bf is at b4 taking any aas. If you are at 14%, id try to get it down to about 10-11% b4 using it, jmo. You have to really watch your diet (no trans fats, only good carbs but not over doining it, low to no sodium, etc.) lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs and whites lot of them and veggies and fruits, and supplement with protein whey isolate shakes and post workout. Eat as much whole food as you can and no fats or sodium and lots of cardio. I do 20minutes on a treadmill at medium jog, then 20min on a high incline doing 3.8mph. Some ppl just do the 3.8mph on high incline for 45 minutes ed. I will hop on eliptical for another 20minutes and im done. I do this 5-6 days a wk. If you have higher bf you have to be consistant and hardly never cheat. I know ppl that will do everything right, but then cheat and eat like fast food and pizza, icecream etc. What is the point, all that wasted energy and your not going to see a dif if you do that.
There are some mechanisms that explain fatburning and steroids...the added muscle will burn more calories...or your muscle/fat ratio will change, making it look like you are losing fat...steroids allow for better workouts resulting in better fatloss...more calories go to muscle than fat...the temperature increase...
All nice theories, but in real life, diet is key and steroids will hardly have an influence.
^what is theory?, i mentioned diet, training, bf, supplements, and protein,etc. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will work if you put in the dedication. If it didn't work without doing that there wouldn't be that much if any demand for it. And i think that is what most everyone is trying to say. No use in injecting yourself if you are not only properly educated, but have and are using the right tools to get results.