How high is "too high" for your blood pressure


New member
I'm taking a prohormone in large doses and shot my bp from 120 to 136. Is this something to be concerned about? I also just came off clenbuteral
what is your diastolic pressure? both are important. 136 is not terrible, but borderline high. I expect mine to get into the high 130's when i cycle, but any higher than that and i need to make adjustments. I like to keep my diastolic below 90 as well.
I second for hemacrit and estriadiol levels.

Also depends on what your BP is normally at.
110/70 to 136/75
130/70 to 136/75

Same second BP, but much different in regards of an elevated BP.
Diastolic was 75

I'm going to drop my dosage I'm using trenavar around 120mg which is a lot

Your BP is about perfect, actually. Diastolic of 75 is the most telling and is a right in range, maybe even a bit low for your average male