How important is fasting to the results of bloodwork accuracy? -female hormone panel


New member
I often have meetings or flights the day I plan for bloodwork, and the idea of fasting prior to bloodwork makes me hungry to think about. How critical is fasting to the accuracy of results?
I often have meetings or flights the day I plan for bloodwork, and the idea of fasting prior to bloodwork makes me hungry to think about. How critical is fasting to the accuracy of results?

Are you on TRT?

Are you just worried about tt and e2?

I've done it fasted and not fasted no difference in my results. I'm on TRT 100mg test c e7d
I am on TRT but this blood work is actually mid blast (500 Test E pw) just to check my levels and ensure everything looks ok. So The results are for me rather than the doctor. I've done it both ways also and saw maybe a 5% variance, but thought I would ask anyway
Fasting affects triglycerides and cholesterol as well as blood glucose. Hormones level and the complete blood counts not so much. Really depends on what yur getting blood tested for