Latestart is just on troll alert and he's right in all he says, specially in that you aren't really ready to run a cycle but you've started and we all spoon feed you so just run with it i'd say.... BUT... Read up and educate yourself... Doing AAS is no hobby... It has SERIOUS health risks associated with it, some that are actually deadly and the lesser ones can ruin you for life... So... Even if we tell you what to do, you wont understand why and that's a huge problem.
About sustanon, its something I'd never use and very few people recommend because it contains several esters, which has different half lifes and will aromatize at different rates making things more difficult for no reason.
The idea is to get a faster kickstart and peak blood levels but personally i'd say... Front load, use orals such as dbol or use prop for a kickstart but individually so you can control doses for both prop and enanthate.

I'm starting to think I should stop sustanon and order just one type of ester.
Front load? - When you mention orals - this would be at 3rd/4th cycle when done with enanthate right? It sucks that Dragon Pharma takes forever to ship but I might just reorder test.
I'm almost kind of there. - thnxs again.