how long after post cycle therapy (pct) to wait for a cut?


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how long after pct to wait for a cut?

Hey guys I'm doing a 12 week test E cycle, I've already gained 8 pounds in 2 weeks and my pants still fit at least lol but I know at the end I'm going to have some unwanted BF and was wondering how long after my post cycle therapy (pct) to wait to naturally cut down, also would using Clen be beneficial to maintain mass while dieting? If anyone with experience cutting without aas could give some pointers it would be appreciated:wavey:
Hey guys I'm doing a 12 week test E cycle, I've already gained 8 pounds in 2 weeks and my pants still fit at least lol but I know at the end I'm going to have some unwanted BF and was wondering how long after my PCT to wait to naturally cut down, also would using Clen be beneficial to maintain mass while dieting? If anyone with experience cutting without aas could give some pointers it would be appreciated:wavey:

If you are doing everything right then u r already at ur natural limit maybe even above it and after the cycle u'll be even more meaning that its harder to keep ur muscle gains and from personal experience i wouldnt cut down without aas since u bulked with them.... i always like to experience new things with myself so i was at around 20% bf and i waited 1 year after my cycle and cut down to 5% bf lost 50 pounds but i believe a lot of it was muscle :/

if you want to keep ur gains i'd do another cycle with something like test maybe add clen to it and who knows you might even gain like a few lbs of muscle and lose a lot of fat if your diet is good....

Cutting cycles usually last longer than bulking ones i think so i'd do something like training 5 days/week and cardio 2 days/week on the days that u dont train.... just do like 40-50 minutes of aerobic at a rate where u dont lose ur breath but it cant be too easy either so u optimize the fat burn
My advice that has been working for me... cut down to 5-7% bodyfat and dont let it go up ever its so much easier and u r always lean and nice lol
Thanks for the reply bro, but I'd really like to try a cut without aas, I know I risk losing muscle but If i do a small calorie deficit and maybe run clen my losses won't be so great, If I ever do another cycle I'd like to start out alot leaner and maintain low BF before I hop on a bulk again, being %5 sounds nice tho lol